Attention Boston! Ellen Feiss needs a job
My my, where does the time go? It seems like only 2002 that a 14-year old Ellen Feiss launched Apple’s historic “Switch” ad campaign, and now she’s a soon-to-be college graduate, looking for a job!

When interviewing Ellen about her immortalization in song, it came up that she was graduating college and looking for a job in the Boston area. I of course pointed out that a certain brand new gigantic Apple Store might be hiring (after all, I have a feeling Ellen would quickly become their top salesperson, if not draw simply to have people autograph their MacBooks), but Ellen apparently has higher aspirations (as if there could be anything nobler than selling Apple products).

“I’m interested in something in the arts, new media or film sector,” says Ellen, “but anything (appropriate) is welcome for consideration.”
Not that we want to turn Macenstein into Craigslist (well, aside from the insanely successful aspect of it) but we’re always happy to help out icons of the Mac community when possible. So attention Boston-area Macenstein readers. If you or someone you know is hiring, drop Ellen a line at, and please, keep the stalking down to a minimum.
oh, neat.
i need a job, too, macenstein. needless to say, i’m a loyal mac user (although not exactly an “icon” of the community; i am, however, cool). i would prefer something in the arts as well. i’m 27 and have 15 years experience as a musician (guitar, bass, piano) and am adept at using programs like pro tools (okay, not too adept at that one), abelton live, and garage band. i’m also a photographer w/ over 10 years of experience and an abundance of raw talent. i’m proficient in photoshop cs3, dreamweaver cs3, fireworks, and lightroom. lastly, i have experience proofing manuscripts and have written a screenplay (but who hasn’t, right?). i currently live in so. cal., but am willing to relocate; also, i’m single and can devote my life to “the cause,” whatever that cause may be. sleep is for the weak and i’d rather spend my time on projects!
Now let the stalkers begin posing as head hunters. GO!
How about doing a Mac Chick of the Month with her (if she would be willing)? That would be a job (I assume you are paying your mac chicks), and I think it would be awesome, and very much in line with the idea of the mac chicks 🙂
“I’m interested in something in the arts”
(read: pot)
Just make sure that whatever job she applies for doesn’t do mandatory drug testing and she should be good.
Now fellas, she made it pretty clear that was due to allergies…
-The Doc