Celebrity Mac chick sighting: Emily Scott - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac chick sighting: Emily Scott

I’ll admit I am not overly familiar with Australian model Emily Scott, although I must say, she is making an excellent first impression on me in these MacBook iBook (whoops!) photos.

Emily was apparently named as “Sexiest Aussie Babe” by FHM Australia, and I don’t doubt it (although I may have to book a trip to Australia to verify this).

Above: How do you like THEM Apples?!

[images via CelebFart]

14 Responses to “Celebrity Mac chick sighting: Emily Scott”
  1. Sergio says:

    Such a beautiful smile

  2. Sergio says:

    thats not a macbook, is it?

  3. MacSheikh says:

    Those are some of the nicest fruits i’ve seen! Mmm… 🙂

  4. RoninX says:

    It’s an iBook, not a MacBook. There is no way you can even think that is a MacBook.

  5. RoninX says:

    And it is an iBook G3 to boot.

  6. Kensei says:

    Oh my Lord……. There is a God!

    She’s gorgeous.

    Kinda looks a bit like Julie Benz (from Angel and Dexter) in the first pic ;p

  7. Kensei says:

    Hmm for an Aussie celebrity I don’t recognize her.

    Ah wikipedia delivers:

    “Scott has made numerous appearances in men’s magazines such as Ralph, Nuts, Zoo Weekly, FHM, Loaded, Stuff, Playboy and Maxim in the UK, Australia and America”

    I knew I wasn’t buying enough ‘men’s’ magazines ;p

  8. zmttoxics says:

    Hot much? 😀

  9. mangochutney says:

    Well that’s a woman!

  10. Andrew says:

    I don’t recognize her, but she really looks like Hayden Panettiere (my future wife!), especially in the first pic.

  11. Matty says:

    Thay aint Apples, they’re mellons.

  12. Gussy says:

    Speaking of which, when is the next MCOTM coming out? I’m need to spice up my screensavers again.

  13. fox88 says:

    eu bootava-lhe!!! 😀

  14. fuk says:

    who gives a crap about the computer, look at that hot ass

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