Oh the humanity! NeXTCube set on fire. - Macenstein

Oh the humanity! NeXTCube set on fire.

Behold the terrible beauty of what happens when a NeXTCube’s magnesium case is set afire.

Back in the Spring of ’93, Simson L. Garfinkel, then Senior Editor at NeXTWORLD Magazine, had the bright idea to test whether the NeXTCube’s legendary magnesium casing would burn with a white hot flame – leaving nothing but a pile of white powder, the way he remembered magnesium doing in his chemistry classes at school. The tale of his years-long attempts at burning the Cube makes for an interesting read (assuming you are a geek (like me) or just plain into burning stuff (like me)) but obviously these pictures give you the gist.

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5 Responses to “Oh the humanity! NeXTCube set on fire.”
  1. That’s eerily beautiful. But then again, I am like you in that I like tech stuff and into burning stuff!

  2. Zac Bedell says:

    I think I’m going to go cry now….

  3. Ajan says:

    whos the pyromaniac here??

  4. EdNetman says:

    Wow! I wish I could see a video of that, it is so amazing that still pictures just don’t do it justice….

  5. Well now Steve Jobs knows to make Macs out of cheap breakable plastic, or thin and bendable metal. But hay, at least you can safely smoke around e’m!

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