If you have an iPhone, you need “More Cowbell!”
Obviously PhoneSaber is the number one reason most people will be buying an iPhone this summer, but coming in a close second is the newly released More Cowbell! by Glenda Adams. This brilliant app is a wonderful tribute to the infamous Christopher Walken SNL skit of the same name, and even features a sample of Walken’s infamous “I gotta have more cowbell!” (I’m sure Adams went through the proper channels to secure the rights to Walken’s voice, but just in case, you may want to download More Cowbell! sooner than later).
When you launch the app, Walken begs you for more cowbell, and you deliver by tapping on the screen. If you stop, Walken comes back, hungry for more. It seems he can never get enough cowbell, as this goes on forever. I have been giving Walken all the cowbell I can for about 4 hours straight now, and he still needs more.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Arn for the tip!
take THAT windows mobile!
This would be a much better app if you got the cowbell to sound by SHAKING the phone!
I’m with Matt. So many apps have such lame uses for the accelerometer (shake to clear in pcalc?). This app screams SHAKE ME.
Er… except you don’t play a cowbell by shaking it. You play a cowbell by hitting it.
Agreed Yuppers.
This is more true to the nature of the instrument, and the skit.
-The Doc
“Er… except you don’t play a cowbell by shaking it. You play a cowbell by hitting it.”
One way to shake the iPhone *is* by hitting it.