Plano Texas Apple Store evacuated for bomb scare during iPhone launch - Macenstein

Plano Texas Apple Store evacuated for bomb scare during iPhone launch

Well, the Plano Texas Apple Store has officially won the coveted 2008 “Worst iPhone Activation Experience” Award.

While various Apple stores have all had their fair share of activation problems/server outages this morning, the launch at the Plano Texas Apple Store in particular deserves special mention.

Faithful Macenstein reader Trish tells us that in addition to all the “normal” bottlenecks would-be iPhone purchasers had to deal with, apparently Mall Security, having discovered a “suspicious-looking” package outside of Macy’s, decided to clear everyone out of the entire Willow Bend Mall. In fact, the package was so suspicious, it warranted one of those super cool, “Johny 5” robots, which was sent in around 1 pm to assess the scene. (Anyone know where Bill Gates was around 12:30?)

So, however bad your experience was, just be thankful you didn’t spend all morning in line just to lose your place because someone dropped their ugly blouse.

8 Responses to “Plano Texas Apple Store evacuated for bomb scare during iPhone launch”
  1. Bride of Macenstein says:

    at least that ugly blouse was in a re-useable bag!

  2. Mr Germy says:

    Shit. . .that’s where I left my bag. . .ugh.

    Doubt I can get it back now.

  3. imageek says:

    thats the story we have in the news here.

  4. Jonro says:

    Bada Big Boom

  5. Mead says:

    As a resident of North Texas it doesn’t surprise that this whole situation would get out of hand to the point it got to. Especially the yuppie scum that lives in that area.

  6. iphoner says:

    the entire mall nor the apple store were evacuated. i never left my spot in line. awful report.

  7. planonian says:

    Uhh.. the mall was not evacuated. Macy’s was on the other side of the mall. I’d say the experience was probably very similar to other locations: frustrating. But the employees were very helpful and empathetic.

  8. Wondering says:

    Yeah, but did the blouse fit the robot?

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