WTF? All iApps now have a “0” popularity score - Macenstein

WTF? All iApps now have a “0” popularity score

Hmm… well, we know at least 290 people must have downloaded that…

Remember how we got those first quick stats about Super Monkey Ball, where we learned it had sold 3927 copies in the first couple hours after the leaked iPhone firmware came out? That’s because Apple includes a “popularity” counter below each app that allows you to see just how many people have downloaded each app (this is not viewable via the iTunes version of the app store, just the iPhone/touch version).

Well, for whatever reason, all apps are now registering a “0” in their popularity ranking. We’re not sure if this is just yet another iTunes server glitch, or an intentional move (although odds are if Apple really wanted to get rid of it they wouldn’t leave the ranking stat there at all).

Still, it must be nice for the developers of such lame apps as SimStappler and Yes|No to see they are doing just as well as Remote and Aim, even if it is only for a little while.

One Response to “WTF? All iApps now have a “0” popularity score”
  1. Moitah says:

    Does the 2.0 software actually take screenshots of all the computed screen, not only the part actually displayed ?

    Please give me the answer on Twitter, @Moitah !

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