ATTENTION WOMEN OF EARTH! Macenstein is giving away free pink iPod nanos to all our Mac Chicks!
You heard right (well, actually you read right, unless the guy next to you was reading this same article out loud). We here at Macenstein are showing our appreciation for our beloved Mac Chicks by giving away a free 8GB iPod nano* to each and every Mac Chick of the Month we feature. So ladies, get those entries in, and fellas, grab your cameras and girlfriends, and start shooting!
Keep reading for official details
That’s right. From now until November 30th, any approved Mac Chick of the Month entry we receive (meaning it meets all our criteria for choosing a Mac chick of the Month) will earn that lady a 16GB pink iPod nano*. It’s our way of saying thanks to all the ladies who go out of their way to show that girls can be Mac geeks too.
As always, Mac Chick entries are run in the order received, so get yours in early! Official submission guidelines can be found here. Thanks, and good luck!
*Prize of an 16GB iPod nano will actually be delivered as either a check or PayPal payment of $210 (US), the current price of an 16GB iPod nano (that way you can either buy it yourself (or just pocket the cash) but it will just make the hassle of returns/warranties easier on everybody). In the event that Apple updates or discontinues the nano, the monetary prize amount may change at the discretion of Macenstein’s judges, but will not be lower than $210.
“…and fellas, grab your cameras and girlfriends, and start shooting”
Dang. I was hoping for some hot wives and mothers. 😉
Only US or really all women of earth??
The whole Earth baby. we want some Antarctica chicks.
-The Doc
November 31st?
Whoops! I meant February 30th, sorry.
-The Doc
I would like to be part of the approval process….rowr.
Says women of the earth
Okay…well, I’ve gotta talk to hubby to get the camera ready…wouldn’t mind feeling like a woman in awesome garments again (gets me away from mommy mode for a few minutes at least)