Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Carrie Underwood - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Carrie Underwood

Hey, look who’s still got the “old”, lame, first gen iPhone? It’s Carrie Underwood!

Actually, I can’t blame her for not upgrading to the latest Apple offering. The silver matches her outfit far better than either the black or white 3G model. I know that’s why I kept mine.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kensei for the link!

[via Geeksugar]

10 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Carrie Underwood”
  1. MacSheikh says:

    Nice… 😀

  2. Jonro says:

    She is standing there reading this post about herself on macenstein. And the universe erupts in a puff of recursion.

  3. Kevin says:

    For all of us original adopters of the 1st Gen. Here is our pay off!!

  4. FistFighter says:

    Hey Doc,

    You don’t keep your silverback. Within few days of purchase, you dropped it on a greasy green colorware bucket and paid for it too :p

  5. True, but I wear exclusively lime green clothing, from my fedora to my pimping boots, so it matches my iPhone perfectly.
    -The Doc

  6. WM says:

    I wish she was calling me on that lame phone.

  7. rudy says:

    very nice ;-)))))

  8. Anon says:

    Jesus, she can take my wheel

  9. s. rizzle says:

    i dont think that owning an iphone makes her a mac chick, but if it does then half of americas celebrity chicks are mac chicks

  10. Kensei says:

    @ s.rizzle

    I agree with you there mate. I am the first to state that ipod using celebrities aren’t mac chicks.

    But the iphone does run OSX and besides, Carrie Underwood is pretty hot ;p

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