Celebrity Mac Chick sighting Revisited: Blake Lively - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting Revisited: Blake Lively

You may remember we spotted Gossip Girl’s Blake Lively with her iPhone (and school girl outfit) earlier this year. Well, it looks like Blake is a bit of a gadget freak, and has upgraded her iPhone to the new 3G model.

I don’t know what it is about this picture, but I can’t help staring at those two great big, beautiful, pointy cones. (The orange ones on the ground, that is).

[Via UseMyComputer]

13 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick sighting Revisited: Blake Lively”
  1. Alex says:

    I have that same dress. Guess I can’t wear it anymore.

  2. If you are going to spot celebritys with iphone its easier download the entire imdb database, they will all buy iphones as everyone else 😉
    But its nice anyway.

  3. Kensei says:

    Hehe hmm that dress is not that flattering on her makes her hips look HUGE.

    And its doesnt help that there are 2 HUGE ceramic piggies in the background.

  4. Barry says:

    What a lady.

    Would love to make babies with her.

  5. MacLynx says:

    >that dress is not that flattering on her makes her hips look HUGE.

    What’s wrong with big hips? Big hips are hot. Really, the modern standard of female beauty is way off track.

    She’s a hottie. Period.

  6. Kensei says:

    hehe i didn’t say I wouldn’t hit it. She’s definitely a fine woman. I prefer a full bodied woman but… ;p

    It’s probably just the camera work. Just bad camera work and unfortunate ceramic figures caught in the background.

    Never been a fan of the heroin waif look.

  7. .m says:

    interesting dress, very ‘sci-fi’ ish.
    what’s missing is a intergalactic logo and a utility belt/pocket for the iphone.

  8. Imagine Engine says:

    She is absolutely stunning. Maybe our iPhone’s can hook up for a date 😉

  9. Gussy says:

    Any chance she could do a MCOTM shoot?

  10. Gman says:

    I’m just glad that she wasn’t caught dragging around an old EDGE iPhone. Though; I wouldn’t exactly throw her out of bed for using previous generation technology.

  11. trevorblanco says:

    That dress looks like it’s supposed to transform of
    Like those porkers.

  12. Michael says:

    God she is fucking hot.

  13. darrell says:

    eh. she should’ve kept the 1st Gen. the aluminum casing would look great with that outfit.

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