Exclusive: Behind the scenes photos from a very Apple-centric “French Maids TV” shoot

Thanks again to the folks at French Maid TV for their help. To check out more French Maid How-To’s, chock full of Appley goodness, check out the French Maid TV archive.
Ooh la la, Je suis dans l’amour. Thanks Macenstein, for the titillating article and video 🙂 I didn’t even know this site existed. They’re very beautiful women educating viewers in an entertaining way. I’ve now subscribed to the podcast. Definitely made my weekend.
Ooh la la, Je suis dans l’amour.
Ooh la la, I am inside love.
I’m in love can be translated by “Je suis amoureux”
+1 Booba, but “je suis dans l’amour” is the english version of french “je suis amoureux” 😉
Falling in love for this Website !!! Is it right ??
I see this site and I read french… o_0
The right is: J’aime ces filles
(translat: I love this girls)
And sorry for my English 😛
@Jenepy > The right sentence is “I love these girls”.
Des putes, des putes… oui mais de Tanzanie !
Very funny Daniel (gros blaireau va!)
But… Why their accent is so… strange! Not the worldwide known charming french accent but …i don’t know… somethings sounds wrong 🙁