Exclusive: Behind the scenes photos from a very Apple-centric “French Maids TV” shoot - Macenstein - Page 2

Exclusive: Behind the scenes photos from a very Apple-centric “French Maids TV” shoot

Thanks again to the folks at French Maid TV for their help. To check out more French Maid How-To’s, chock full of Appley goodness, check out the French Maid TV archive.

7 Responses to “Exclusive: Behind the scenes photos from a very Apple-centric “French Maids TV” shoot”
  1. Imagine Engine says:

    Ooh la la, Je suis dans l’amour. Thanks Macenstein, for the titillating article and video 🙂 I didn’t even know this site existed. They’re very beautiful women educating viewers in an entertaining way. I’ve now subscribed to the podcast. Definitely made my weekend.

  2. Booba says:

    Ooh la la, Je suis dans l’amour.
    Ooh la la, I am inside love.


    I’m in love can be translated by “Je suis amoureux”

  3. Didier says:

    +1 Booba, but “je suis dans l’amour” is the english version of french “je suis amoureux” 😉

    Falling in love for this Website !!! Is it right ??

  4. Jenepy says:

    I see this site and I read french… o_0

    The right is: J’aime ces filles
    (translat: I love this girls)

    And sorry for my English 😛

  5. olivier says:

    @Jenepy > The right sentence is “I love these girls”.

  6. DanielB says:

    Des putes, des putes… oui mais de Tanzanie !

  7. Roger says:

    Very funny Daniel (gros blaireau va!)
    But… Why their accent is so… strange! Not the worldwide known charming french accent but …i don’t know… somethings sounds wrong 🙁

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