iHologram looks to provide minutes of extreme coolness - Macenstein

iHologram looks to provide minutes of extreme coolness

I’m not sure what you are supposed to do with this, but I know I want it.

iHologram – iPhone application from David OReilly on Vimeo.

Now, assuming this is not a very well-made hoax, iHologram by David O’Reilly is one of the coolest useless apps I have seen.

“The application works by assuming a constant viewing angle (35-45 degrees), typical for when the device is placed on a tabletop. The 3d scene’s perspective is then warped using anamorphic perspective, making the object appear to jump off the screen.

The software uses the ipod’s built-in gyroscope to calculate rotation on the y-axis, so we can look around the environment around by turning the device, there are also controls for manual rotation with a slider on the left hand side of the screen.”

I still can’t tell for sure how the iPhone can sense its rotation on a flat surface so well (is the accelerometer really that sensitive?) but if legit, then I want to play with this constantly walking kitty.

I’m not sure how much “replay value” this has, although I initially thought the same thing about Koi Pond. But certainly, the underlying technology shown here in iHologram, if applied to a more fully realized game, could prove to be killer.

10 Responses to “iHologram looks to provide minutes of extreme coolness”
  1. Tom says:

    The accelerometers are pretty darn sensitive – they can poll at least a 100 times a second if the developer tweaks the settings, and the user is twisting the phone round a fair bit. A similar way could be through a in built compass, which I/O for Android demoed, but at a coarser grain for the Street View Android demo.

  2. Rowlings says:

    I can haz holographic cats?

  3. iRono says:

    I cannot be completely sure for the iPhone, but the way accelerometers usually work definitely cannot provide you this rotation around the Y axis. You only know when the phone is tilted. For me it’s a fake. Unfortunately 🙂

  4. Andi says:

    I wrote an App for the iPhone (will be in the App Store shortly) that uses the Accelerometers in a similar way. While iRono is theoretically right, fortunately the sensors of the iPhone do not sit directly in the middle of the device (if so, no rotation can be measured), but a little outside of the center.
    From my experience I would say that an accurate rotation measurement like this is non-trivial, but can be done.

  5. nonnus says:

    i am also an iphone developer with some experiences with accelerometers
    they are indeed quite sensitive and are able to catch this rotation thru acceleration, not in a regular motion like the one on the video where acceleration is close to 0
    it is possible to isolate gravity from accel data but this kind of movement will not be detected
    my veredict: busted !

  6. Josh says:

    I heard someone suggest that maybe the camera senses rotation on a surface?
    There’d have to be some way for the camera to sense light under the iPhone though.
    Maybe with the more curved back on the 3G?

  7. anon says:

    it’s either a hoax, or the surface the iPhone is on is not actually level, but an angled surface, like a podium, if it were at the same angle that a person would naturally hold the phone at then the whole presentation would make sense, and not be fake…

  8. Smarty Pants says:

    Ok seriously, did anyone not notice that this an iPod Touch?

  9. j says:

    IF TRUE …

    wonderful! imagine watching a string quartet performing from every angle to observe the bowing etc

    if ever this hits appstore I would buy an iphone just for that!

    infopoint to developer – i’d happily pay $50 for such! 🙂

    well done! 🙂

  10. chuck says:

    It’s an admitted fake, a demonstration of an idea. From the animator’s website-

    “The iHologram app was not real. It was an illustration of an idea I had which I believe could work with the technology (combining anamorphosis and motion sensing).”

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