MacBook gets MacBaked - Macenstein

MacBook gets MacBaked

I’ve always found Apple’s laptops to run fairly warm and never felt the need to pre-heat mine, however a certain “Mr. Kidd” apparently felt otherwise.

“Here’s a fun one. My buddy Kidd left his laptop in his oven while away – you know, in case of break-in or fire, it’d be safe. We’re all over after grabbing him from the airport, ready to bake some cookies. Preheat the oven to 375, start mixing the ingredients, about ten minutes later, we notice a pretty awful smell. Open the oven door and, surreally enough, there’s a laptop and a backup harddrive staring me in the face.

The cookies, however, were great.”

Well, while the melting is certainly a tragedy, it IS nice to finally see an Apple product burst into flames via user error for once.

[via Flickr]

13 Responses to “MacBook gets MacBaked”
  1. Dan Crane II says:

    The big questions is, did it boot up?

  2. oh no says:

    i hate to be the one to state the obvious doc… but that is a mbp.
    someone had to… right?

  3. DAMN IT!
    Thanks oh no.
    -The Doc

  4. dizzy says:

    That is just a dumb enough move that I could see myself doing that. That’s okay though its about time to upgrade to a new macbook refresh anyway

  5. Adam says:

    It seems people do this fairly often. iBook in oven.

    What possesses people to keep things in their oven? Isn’t there a cleaner, safer, yet still hidden place to keep a laptop?

  6. min says:

    “It seems people do this fairly often. iBook in oven.

    What possesses people to keep things in their oven? Isn’t there a cleaner, safer, yet still hidden place to keep a laptop?”

    And it still boots up!!!! Hmmmm, I wonder if my iBook will do the same. 😛

  7. Richard says:

    oh god, the humanity..

    err computer’ity

  8. Alex says:

    I bet in a week or two there will be a guy whose work is to melt stuff. (Kinda like Will it blend!)
    would’n it be super fun?

    But you know this ain’t completely stupid.
    If I’m going to another country, I BRING the mbp with me. If I really can’t, I leave it in the safe. If I don’t have a safe… then well… I leave it in the freaking oven. robbers will NEVER look there, and neither will curious people who have the key hahaha

    and this, obviously, excludes the possibility of leaving a note in the oven’s door or telling your friends about it.

  9. odin says:

    Apple actually paid them off to say this. In actuality this happened at 20,000 feet.

  10. the_0ne says:

    You know, with lawsuits as they are today, he could have a case here. Nowhere on my oven does it say to NOT put your laptop computer in for safety/security. Neither the dog, my 1 year old, the telephone, neighbor’s cat, my fireworks collection. Nowhere am I warned of the “you might be a dumb-ass and turn on your oven before removing such item”. Find an ambulance chaser quick!!!

  11. chuck says:

    I guess he’s never seen “The Unsinkdable Molly Brown”, or “Titanic”. Oh, the cultural ignorance of Today’s Youth.

  12. Dave-O says:

    Next time he’ll leave it in the refrigerator.

  13. Kraig says:

    who would have cookies after a tragedy such as this

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