“Rack”-mountable G4 system for sale
Faithful Macenstein reader Bill came across this posting for a G4 tower for sale on Craigslist. Entitled “!!!! ATTENTION COLLEGE STUDENTS, AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE GRADES UP !!“, the listing itself is nothing special, except that the system is pictured alongside a very nice rack system (which unfortunately does not seem to be included).

The original image is a bit underexposed, but a little level adjustment and BAM! We see what Bill was talking about.
I was going to suggest that someone pick up the system for $425 (or best offer) just to show the old system some love, but it looks like it’s getting plenty of that already.

(Hey, none of you read Macenstein for the political correctness, right?)
Thanks Bill!
I had one of those G4’s and it was CONSTANTLY tipping over. I really could have used one of those rack systems.
Oh, that G4 system. I brought the case for $100 on eBay four years ago, and built a PC, yeap a PC, out of it. hehe…. 😛
Took me a minute to see the computer in the picture… 😉 More listings should adopt this marketing strategy.