Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one? - Macenstein

Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one?

[WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! CONGRATS TO: Jonathan, Kelsey, Adam, Kaupo, and Courtney]
If there’s one thing we know about our readers, it’s that you are a bunch of grubby degenerates, ravenous for free stuff. Well, never let it be said that Macenstein does not cater to our audience!

Conceited Software just launched Clips, their new super cool clipboard app, and to celebrate, they gave us 5 free copies to give away. “Super cool CLIPBOARD app?”, you ask. Yeah, we were surprised too, but after playing with it a bit, we stand by those adjectives.

Clips takes the idea of the Clipboard and applies virtually every cool aspect of Leopard to it. Spaces, Dashboard, Time Machine… it’s pretty insane. Clips lets you flag clips (like flagging Mail messages), supports live search and drag and drop, and even allows for sharing clipboards between multiple computers. You sort of have to see it in action to appreciate it, which is why you should check out this movie Conceited Software made showcasing some of the eye candy Clips is capable of (or better yet, download their free trial and take it for a spin yourself).

So how do you win a copy?

Well, knowing how sadistic we can be with our contests, Conceited Software left it up to us to decide how to choose our 5 winners. Therefore, in order to win you will have to decipher a series of increasingly harder riddles that when pieced together…

….aww hell, just leave us a comment and we’ll pick 5 random winners. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Good luck. (Contest ends Sunday night at midnight PST – 1 entry per person รขโ‚ฌโ€œ yes, we’ll check).

159 Responses to “Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one?”
  1. Ben says:

    Looks cool

  2. ric ede says:

    sounds like a really cool

  3. rob hoeben says:

    can i still join??

  4. Sinbad says:

    Me too… please. Just discovered your site, hopefully not too late.

  5. I want one ๐Ÿ™‚ or am I too late?

  6. Rob says:

    I was just saying two days ago, “I wish I had a clipboard that stored multiple copies”. Today my wishes came true! Thanks for the great release.

  7. Matt says:

    cool. free? cool!

  8. Al says:

    say, my middle name is “free,’ i feel like a winner already!

  9. wischi says:

    I hope I win …

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