Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one? - Macenstein

Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one?

[WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! CONGRATS TO: Jonathan, Kelsey, Adam, Kaupo, and Courtney]
If there’s one thing we know about our readers, it’s that you are a bunch of grubby degenerates, ravenous for free stuff. Well, never let it be said that Macenstein does not cater to our audience!

Conceited Software just launched Clips, their new super cool clipboard app, and to celebrate, they gave us 5 free copies to give away. “Super cool CLIPBOARD app?”, you ask. Yeah, we were surprised too, but after playing with it a bit, we stand by those adjectives.

Clips takes the idea of the Clipboard and applies virtually every cool aspect of Leopard to it. Spaces, Dashboard, Time Machine… it’s pretty insane. Clips lets you flag clips (like flagging Mail messages), supports live search and drag and drop, and even allows for sharing clipboards between multiple computers. You sort of have to see it in action to appreciate it, which is why you should check out this movie Conceited Software made showcasing some of the eye candy Clips is capable of (or better yet, download their free trial and take it for a spin yourself).

So how do you win a copy?

Well, knowing how sadistic we can be with our contests, Conceited Software left it up to us to decide how to choose our 5 winners. Therefore, in order to win you will have to decipher a series of increasingly harder riddles that when pieced together…

….aww hell, just leave us a comment and we’ll pick 5 random winners. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Good luck. (Contest ends Sunday night at midnight PST – 1 entry per person รขโ‚ฌโ€œ yes, we’ll check).

159 Responses to “Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one?”
  1. zippi says:

    I’m in too! This thing really sounds as if it could help me organize my stuff a litttttle bit better – which would be a HUGE improvement!

  2. RJ says:

    clipboards between multiple computers… now that’s a feature i’ll have tons of use for

  3. - Jie - says:

    I’m assuming this is open to non-Americans right?

  4. Jason says:

    My randomness eclipses all other randomnesses.

    So sayeth someone random.

  5. Rune says:

    Yeah, I’d love a super cool clipboard app to replace my current somewhat good but not quite there clipboard app. It actually does look rather spiffy…

  6. Double U says:

    If I pull my right index finger I need to sneeze, if I pull my left index finger I need to cough and falling down the stairs is painful!!!!!

  7. Slacker says:

    Mmm free software, tasty :).

  8. Greenldr says:

    That’s what she said!

  9. Gwen says:

    I’m in.

  10. Phoenix.stu says:

    It looks like a cool app. If it is by conceited it must be good.

    Yeah, good luck to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Gremlins says:

    I never win anything but hell, if I don’t try, I would know the result in advance ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Michael says:

    OK, this has to be best interface for a clipboard manager….and finally there’s way to share between systems. Cool.

    Sign me up and hand it over! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. MichMich says:

    Ok, lets just give it a try. Never won something, never tried to win something. Nevertheless I’d love to say hi to all Macensteiners out there, and so I use this comment not only to win a piece of legal software, but also to send all my love from a dark, cold, rainy and depressing Netherlands (you know, the country that hosts Amsterdam).
    For now I’ll just join Macenstein during our wait for the 2.1 firmware… (And it’s allready 01.11pm overhere….)


  14. Gareth says:

    Even though I may end up inadvertently disqualifying myself, I want to win for all of us Quรƒยฉbec Canadians who are never allowed to be included in contests. Again I’m hoping that I did not miss some contest rules that might disqualify me based on the above geography.

  15. Men_in_Black says:

    This looks pretty cool

  16. J says:

    This looks great! I would like a copy!

  17. Matthew says:

    Whoo, neat program, send it my way.

  18. Straff says:

    looks very funky!!

  19. Laflamme says:


  20. Frank says:


  21. Jeremy says:

    If it’s free, why not give it a try?

  22. Jess says:

    Hmm. Looks nifty. Wonder if this thing actually works better than iClip.

  23. nith says:

    Clip me…

  24. Steve says:

    Looks pretty sweet. I’m in!

  25. Marcus13 says:

    I want one! Please!

  26. LaSombra says:

    Love cool software, love free software and love Mac.
    So a cool Mac software for free? Love it thrice!!!

  27. Fabian says:

    About two weeks ago, I switched from Win Xp to Mac and it’s cool… Perhaps with this little tool its gonna be insane?

  28. jvcd says:

    My wife is bugged out by not having multiple clipboards in Word 2008 – looks like this will solve the problem. Thanks!

  29. Looks interesting, I’ll definitely check it out. Especially if I win a free copy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Wesley says:

    Please Dr. M.

    Send a copy to brazil…. i’ll make good use of this little devil! ๐Ÿ˜€

  31. Scott Baird says:

    I like it.

  32. Connor says:

    Cool! Super Cool!

  33. brnmbrns says:

    Faithful Macenstein reader brnmbrns posts a comment in the comments section.

  34. Jonro says:

    I want it. I need it. I’ll use it.

  35. J says:

    Let’s see here . . . 88 comments so far . . . 5 copies . . . that means I have about a 5.7% chance of winning one. Here’s hoping I get lucky!

  36. John Dickey says:

    I am guessing there are young people who read “Macenstein.” Why are you teaching them that using cuss word is OK?

  37. Eric Santos says:

    Well, your chances (and mine also) have just decreased to 5.5%.

  38. Wickedgood says:

    I want, I want, I want!

  39. Shawn says:

    Pick me!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Long time reader, first time commenting…

  40. Nathan says:

    I wonder if the Doc reads the comments for contests/giveaways like this one? Either way, I <3 Macenstein.

  41. Brandon says:

    figure give it a shot ๐Ÿ™‚ love this site, btw

  42. says:

    Give it to me! FREE STUFF!!! DAAAHHH!!!!

  43. Perlt says:

    I should get a copy, ‘coz I’m from DENMARK!
    ‘nods importantly*

  44. Brian H. says:

    Gimme, gimme!

  45. Great Software
    Great Price
    I’m In!

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