Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one? - Macenstein

Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one?

[WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! CONGRATS TO: Jonathan, Kelsey, Adam, Kaupo, and Courtney]
If there’s one thing we know about our readers, it’s that you are a bunch of grubby degenerates, ravenous for free stuff. Well, never let it be said that Macenstein does not cater to our audience!

Conceited Software just launched Clips, their new super cool clipboard app, and to celebrate, they gave us 5 free copies to give away. “Super cool CLIPBOARD app?”, you ask. Yeah, we were surprised too, but after playing with it a bit, we stand by those adjectives.

Clips takes the idea of the Clipboard and applies virtually every cool aspect of Leopard to it. Spaces, Dashboard, Time Machine… it’s pretty insane. Clips lets you flag clips (like flagging Mail messages), supports live search and drag and drop, and even allows for sharing clipboards between multiple computers. You sort of have to see it in action to appreciate it, which is why you should check out this movie Conceited Software made showcasing some of the eye candy Clips is capable of (or better yet, download their free trial and take it for a spin yourself).

So how do you win a copy?

Well, knowing how sadistic we can be with our contests, Conceited Software left it up to us to decide how to choose our 5 winners. Therefore, in order to win you will have to decipher a series of increasingly harder riddles that when pieced together…

….aww hell, just leave us a comment and we’ll pick 5 random winners. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Good luck. (Contest ends Sunday night at midnight PST – 1 entry per person – yes, we’ll check).

159 Responses to “Conceited Software launches Clips, and we got 5 free copies! Who wants one?”
  1. rogue says:

    I’m amazing and from the UK so I think I should win!

  2. John says:

    Pick me!

  3. Church says:

    Of course anything leopard is cool. I wish more apps integrated the OSX capabilities. Ok, be sure to check out my site:

  4. AUSTIN Z says:

    yes go macenstein

  5. christ fierro says:

    viva mexico!!!!

  6. Keith says:

    That looks like a very cool app, I like the multiple clip, drag-and-drop business going on. I’d be honored to win a copy.

  7. Alex says:

    I would love to get a copy! Thank you!

  8. Shane O. says:

    i win!

  9. Bill says:

    I’m in, too. Looks cool.

  10. Asunam says:

    I’ve been looking for an absolutely ALL AROUND clipboard that works with all my apps, images, text etc; and this looks like it might just be it. Please ……I’ll take one!!! (smile)

  11. Dave says:

    Random, huh? I have about as much luck as everyone else in this forum it appears. Would it help if I promise to write up an extensive review/critique/praise for Clips if I win a free copy…

  12. Michael says:

    Free Stuff, yes!!!

  13. Greg says:

    i want! this app looks so sexy

  14. SRW says:

    Cool app, I’d like to see something like this for file/document navigation.

  15. Matt says:

    Looks Cool

  16. kmoth says:

    good golly that IS super cool!
    sign me up, free is my favorite price.

  17. Alex says:

    that’s so freaking cool! I want it! 8D

  18. Savas says:

    I’ll try too…

  19. GadgetMan says:

    We always LOVE free stuff!!!!

    What a great app!!!

  20. Gaurav Raul says:

    You should send me a copy… because… because… lets face it… you’ve never sent a prize to Cambodia…. It could be a first for you and you know… i’ll have clips.

  21. Sam says:

    mmmm, pasty..

  22. Rory says:

    Having used Linkinus, I know that Clips will be great! Sign me up for the drawing!

  23. Lukas says:

    Very cool app, very uncool price.

  24. Alex says:

    Cool software!

  25. Chad says:

    Can you give out 5 free Mac Chicks next?

  26. Ray Chen says:

    This is so cool…hopefully I’ll win one of these 5…!!

  27. Adam says:

    Looks nice. I definitely like to have a copy.

  28. Gary L. Gray says:

    This app doesn’t look bad (and I can always afford free if I win).

  29. chuck says:

    pick me! pick me!

  30. Douglas says:

    Great application. Works like a charm.

    Hope I win!

    *crossing fingers*

  31. John says:

    It looks great!

  32. Roy K says:

    WooHoo! Tried it, works grrreattt…

  33. mpeterke says:

    Gimme on of those….plz!

  34. David says:

    Who doesn’t love a freebie?!? 🙂

  35. This is so MAC! You just would not get something like this on that other OS. Well done to the guys who created this.

  36. Ryan says:

    It’s good to see the guys behind Linkinus bringing something new to the Mac. Hopefully it’s just as good!

  37. pawel_z_wrocka says:

    Actually, I would prefer a series of increasingly harder riddles. I never have any luck with being picked at random.


    I really like the idea behind this app and I may find it useful. Combining multiple clipboards with the power of Leopard may be just what the doctor ordered. I have always found multiple clipboards lacking, but this seems to be actually productive.

  38. andrek says:

    well, would like to win something

  39. Jonathan says:

    I’d like to win a copy! 🙂

  40. Really a stunning programm…best greetings from germany!

  41. Justin S. says:

    Clip me please, nice app!

  42. Kaupo says:

    Yes. I may today.

  43. Sammy says:

    Looks pretty neat… I’ll enter to try and win a copy!

  44. Sondra says:

    This looks like a great tool! I’d love to win a free copy 🙂

  45. Tim says:

    Five winners? I like those odds!

  46. Gabe says:

    I just got my first mac in July and promptly became a Macenstein reader. I am loving the Mac and can’t see a reason to go back to a PC.

    Any free software that makes my Mac cooler then my friends PC’s would just rock.

  47. Wes says:

    How soon will we now the winners?

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