Now THAT’S what I call multitasking! (Possibly NSFW) - Macenstein

Now THAT’S what I call multitasking! (Possibly NSFW)

This lady is a triple threat. She can talk on the phone, surf the web on her PowerBook, AND double-pump breast milk at the same time! (Or are her breasts actually powering the laptop?).

Behold “PowerBoobs Pro“. Click to enlarge (You know you want to make this your desktop wallpaper)

For the record, I’ve never been able to make a woman that happy.

Thanks to faithful German Macenstein reader Martin for the photo. (And don’t worry Martin, we won’t ask why you were searching for nursing bras).

28 Responses to “Now THAT’S what I call multitasking! (Possibly NSFW)”
  1. trevorblanco says:

    I thought I saw all things USB powered but that’s the ticket.

  2. Jonro says:

    I suspect she’s surfing for *pron*, which is why she is smiling.

  3. T. Diddy says:

    Well, you finally found a way to make a half-naked woman with a Mac UNsexy.

    Aww, who am I kidding, this pic is totally hot.

  4. Lactating says:

    I have that same pump! I NEVER looked that happy while using it, and the amount of noise it makes would be quite bothersome while talking on the phone.

  5. circ says:

    Those are the saddest looking roses I’ve ever seen.

  6. Joss says:

    my ex-wife would love one of these
    also, FAP!!!

  7. sunveer says:


    One day the lappy would turn into a biggggg Desktop one day huh Lady???????????
    Extra Nutrition?????????

    Good One……..

  8. Johnny says:

    If only she was holding an iPhone, then it would have been perfect.

  9. Ya mum says:

    phone sex, self breast arousal and porn on the laptop – what more can she do…

  10. subcorpus says:

    she is sill hot … hehe …

  11. Jim Jones says:

    Hey now, she’s looking pretty good there!

  12. Monkey's Butt says:

    Is this one of those new virtual cyber sex machines?

  13. Sonic_fanrs says:

    Roflmao that’s too funny!

  14. Wow that’s great. I wonder if the person on the phone with her even knows….awkward.

  15. Yojan says:

    The output is apple juice!!??

  16. BigBubba says:

    I’m assuming she must be working for Ben and Jerry’s on the new PETA Ice Cream…

  17. Kensei says:

    @ hehe yeah due the iphones lack of multitasking ;p

  18. Traci says:

    Technically speaking, there’s not a breast pump in the picture. She has the collection bottles, the hoses and the other stuff, but no pump. I’ve used the Ameda collection system, and the hoses aren’t long enough to snake under a pillow and offscreen somewhere. Plus, there’s no milk in the collection bottles. I call staged photo.

  19. Carl says:

    Staged? Ya’ think?

  20. Michelle says:

    From another woman who has used a dual breast pump, she’s either using double-sided tape to hold em there, OR the suction on the machine is PAINFULLY strong…

    And we assume its staged, since it may be offensive to actually look at someone’s expressed milk…

  21. Crispy says:

    Anybody have any clue who the model is?

  22. Justin says:

    Yes, i got the USB powered nipple vibrators and they are great honey!

  23. roshov says:

    no milk produced, probably taped on, doesn’t look post-partum, too happy to do that, too noisy to do while on phone……yes staged !!

  24. 4four1ones says:

    anyone notice the dead roses in the background. i thought that was funny.

  25. A. Nonymous says:

    I call fake: If MacBook’s display is on, also the Apple logo on the back of the display (here facing towards the camera) should be lit.

  26. krye says:

    She’s hot. This is marketing at its finest. There’s no way with a body like that that she’s ever given birth.

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