Faithful Macenstein reader Kensei writes:
What happened to the AppStore?
Yesterday there was 180+ pages of…. well crap and now there is only 88 pages.
Routine maintenance? Hacked? Spring Cleaning?
Also latest release date is 14th of September. Hmmmmm.

Hmm… We have no idea, Kensei.
While we’d LIKE to think Apple went in and ripped out all the worthless crap apps, there are nowhere NEAR 88 pages of quality iPhone apps on iTunes right now.
We’re guessing routine maintenance of some sort, as since we started typing this, the page count has gone up to 90. Hopefully all will be wright in a few hours.
Although, that would be a boring story, so… OMFG! THE iTUNES STORE HAS BEEN HACKED!!!!!
@ Although, that would be a boring story, so… OMFG! THE iTUNES STORE HAS BEEN HACKED!!!!!
Haha I blame Google and Android. It’s the prelude to the launch of the Android appstore.
Those Google Munchkins must be behind this somehow. *jokes* >;p
Reviewing apps
It seems if you click the individual categories the new apps are there.
It’s just the All Iphone/Touch applications link isn’t capturing all the apps past a certain date.
Sounds (again) like a case of poor “Change Control”. You know, Requirements Management, Change Management, Configuration Management, Test/Quality Control and Release Management.
Most companies implement these poorly and it manifests itself in down web sites, broken applications, and immediate fixes released to fix a recent release!
I’m wondering if the chaff that might have disappeared could have been multiple versions of the same app still on the iTunes store listing.
Or, perhaps all those e-books disguising themselves as apps got recategorized somewhere. A text file is not really an app.
And there are plenty that are little more than window dressing on a web app, with little if any added function.