Can’t decide which MacBook event coverage to watch? Why not watch them all?!
Kind of like a sports bar on Sunday, 9to5Mac has created a Mac Geek’s “DirecTV” type viewing system where you can watch the MacBook event feeds from 4 different sites simultaneously. Coverage is available from Gizmodo, Engadget, ArsTechnica, and Computerworld. The page even auto-refreshes so you can just sit back and let your eyes bleed.

While this is BRUTAL on a MacBook, it works just great on a 30-inch cinema display, so assuming you have one (or better yet, TWO) of those lying around, head on over to their LivePanel page.
That page is FREAKIN’ AWESOME!
No need to go anywhere else – Macenstein provides all my eye bleeding content…!
While this is indeed a good idea for people that want coverage in overdrive, I will just visit my favourite site
They have the best writers and are IMO more creative than engadget *ducks*
How about on 46″?