Can’t decide which MacBook event coverage to watch? Why not watch them all?! - Macenstein

Can’t decide which MacBook event coverage to watch? Why not watch them all?!

Kind of like a sports bar on Sunday, 9to5Mac has created a Mac Geek’s “DirecTV” type viewing system where you can watch the MacBook event feeds from 4 different sites simultaneously. Coverage is available from Gizmodo, Engadget, ArsTechnica, and Computerworld. The page even auto-refreshes so you can just sit back and let your eyes bleed.

While this is BRUTAL on a MacBook, it works just great on a 30-inch cinema display, so assuming you have one (or better yet, TWO) of those lying around, head on over to their LivePanel page.

3 Responses to “Can’t decide which MacBook event coverage to watch? Why not watch them all?!”
  1. photogirl says:

    That page is FREAKIN’ AWESOME!

    No need to go anywhere else – Macenstein provides all my eye bleeding content…!

  2. mangochutney says:

    While this is indeed a good idea for people that want coverage in overdrive, I will just visit my favourite site
    They have the best writers and are IMO more creative than engadget *ducks*

  3. dizzy says:

    How about on 46″?

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