Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Hilary Duff - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Hilary Duff

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Hillary Duff needs a bigger car. There are two things I love about this picture of Hilary. Number 1 is that shes holding an iPhone, and number 2 is… her scarf. It’s adorable.

Snagging Hilary with an iPhone is a bit of personal highlight in my celebrity Mac Chick stalking cataloging career, as until very recently she appeared to be sporting a Blackberry in any pictures I could find.

Looks like Hilary is loving life with her new phone, as she appears to even be wishing “peace” to the paparazzi. Only one gadget is capable of bestowing that much positive karma – the iPhone 3G.

[via UseMyComputer]

11 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Hilary Duff”
  1. darrell says:

    nice curves. great piece of industrial design.

    and by piece i mean her ass.

  2. Herb says:

    Haha, is this the same Darrell who was commenting on Mac Soda earlier?

  3. SirFoxey says:

    Look her arse is nice, but the iPhone is hotter than any part of her by far.

  4. Aaron Ryck says:

    LOL i like the zoom in… on.. the.. iPhone!

    lol love it!

  5. Justin says:

    Don’t forget. Mike Comrie is tapping that ass all day every day!

  6. darrell says:


    i didn’t know what you were talking about so i checked out macsoda for the first time – i only looked at a few of the comments but i did notice there is a poster named Darren there.

    and not a darrell to be found :O

  7. Frogmella says:

    She doesn’t HAVE a bloody arse!

  8. Colin says:

    Woops, first read that as “shagging” not “snagging”.

  9. MacSheikh says:

    Come on…you call that an ass?

  10. Bob says:

    She is a dwarf.

    Is there nobody in Hollywood taller than 4 ft nothing?

  11. Bob says:

    Have to add that her knees only come up to the running board and her head only comes up to about the height of my …. nevermind.

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