Apple gives iPhone owners what they’ve been craving with the 2.2 update - Macenstein

Apple gives iPhone owners what they’ve been craving with the 2.2 update

That’s right. Apple has sifted through the tens of thousands of e-mails loaded with iPhone feature requests, and they have finally given in and given iPhone and iPod touch users the most universally demanded feature, namely, the ability to take a photo of your lock screen.

Above: Oh Thank GOD!

Yes, this presented a BIG problem for Phone users under the previous firmware, and in order to catch a shot of the lock screen, you had to be extremely quick or have a lot of free time. But now thanks to Apple putting this feature at the top of their to-do list, we can all finally get back to work. Thanks Apple!

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Savas fo rthe tip!

10 Responses to “Apple gives iPhone owners what they’ve been craving with the 2.2 update”
  1. James Massey says:

    Arrggghh!!! Come on! If they’re going to spend time doing this, then two words:

    Copy…… and ….. Paste!

    And if they can’t do that, at least recognize UK postal codes!

  2. NewMaccer says:

    OMG! I’ve been waiting so long for this!

    I can’t believe we don’t have landscape email yet, or MMS. Should be STANDARD features.

  3. Zealot says:

    Where the !#%& is compilation support?

  4. PyjamaSam says:

    Nice… Fieldrunners. GREAT game. 🙂


  5. dizzy says:

    @NewMaccer I don’t think we will never see MMS through a 1st party app, but some 3rd party apps working directly with service providers looks more promising.

    And I fear the day that Apple adds copy & paste, b/c then what will people complain about?

  6. jonro says:

    OMG! Yes! Finally! Thank goodness that Apple has their priorities straight and they have addressed the most important outstanding issues first.

    Seriously, at that rate, it will be another year and a half before Apple gets the iPhone’s feature set to where it should be.

  7. eTron says:

    Wow! This feature was soo…. NOT IMPORTANT!! Glad we can do it now, but I’m sure we’d all rather see MMS / cut and paste / landscape email / SMS. WEAK!!

  8. MBK says:

    I don’t know if I’ll get an iPhone until they truly open up the OS for adding whatever applications you want–not just ones from the official app store.

  9. Brian says:

    Kudos to all the brave engineers who worked on this very important update!

    I think we all saw the need for this feature. They’ve simply outdone themselves again!


  10. Cut the Dock some slack guys, he can’t help it that he has that much of influence on Apple’s decisions..

    Obviously eveything that is posted here is read by Apples top people, and it is taken very seriously!


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