Celebrity Mac Chick Revisited: Amanda Bynes
We’ve spotted Celebrity Mac Chick Amanda Bynes before, jogging with her iPod nano, but there’s something about this picture of Amanda and her iPhone that I find strangely compelling.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jim for the pic!
Was the picture taken because of the iPhone or the “color of the day”?
This is great to see. Not her underwear, I mean; rather, the fact that unlike many celebrities today, she IS wearing underwear.
Who is Amanda Bynes?
Nice pants
matching finger nails… 🙂
unless that is worst possible picture of amanda bynes that is not amanda bynes!
I was thinking the same thing Paulie
Looks like her to me. Except she’s packed on a couple pounds maybe.
Woops: http://www.worth1000.com/entries/75500/75723YFhe_w.jpg
(hehe, catcha asked for “strange bordered”)
“Who is Amanda Bynes?”
You make me sick. Haha.
I don’t agree that it doesn’t look like Amanda Bynes. Definitely her.
Nice panties 😛
You know, it’s not really right to dub every half-famous girl toting an iPhone a “Mac Chick”. I mean, if said femme was photographed parked inside a Starbucks synching up her iPhone to an actual Mac then I’d say right on, but there’s a BIG difference between carrying around an iPon or iPhone and being a Mac user.
* btw, nice up-skirt shot, I feel all pervy now.
hehe… I typo’d iPon… huh huh
* btw 2, my captcha below reads “ago squatters”
Paulie, that’s definitely Amanda Bynes. It’s just a really really REALLY bad angle!
Here’s better picture from the same night. http://i34.tinypic.com/do9yxv.jpg