OK, this is just sad - Macenstein

OK, this is just sad

There’s no denying that Microsoft’s “I’m A PC” ad campaign is setting the world on fire… (cough… crickets chirping, etc.), but with the economy tanking, I don’t even want to think of the person who is dropping their hard earned cash at the “I’m a PC” store this holiday season.

Featuring a wide range of “I’m a PC” merchandise including a set of shoes that will surely get your ass kicked, the I’m A PC store has everything you need to completely erase any traces of your dignity.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Aloy for the tip!

15 Responses to “OK, this is just sad”
  1. Kevin says:

    I’m a PC Store

    delete the “I” and “P”

    and you have the ‘MAC Store.

  2. Andy says:

    OMFG, I want a pair of that shoes – they are awesome

  3. Mac Soda says:

    If I saw someone wearing those shoes, I indeed would kick their ass 😛

  4. Well, the alternative is the “I’m NOT a PC” store – http://www.zazzle.com/im_a_pc

  5. Haha, the button “Windows, life without walls”; I don’t see me running a firewall!

  6. Jonro says:

    Mousepads are so twentieth century 🙂

  7. Bored says:

    Is that a skateboard?

  8. Imagine Engine says:


  9. vonspace says:

    Agreed…..mausepads are so old style….and the I’m a pc store is so so sad…!!!…. com’on!!…who would ever whant to buy such *rap?!! 🙂

  10. Bor says:

    OMFGZ I hate them.

  11. craig says:

    i don’t think that button is going to compile

  12. photogirl says:

    You can definitely tell a “geek” Windows designer created these items… not quite the sleekness of Apple…

  13. xero says:

    OK show of hands and be honest who else wants Im a MAC shoes

  14. It’s like stuff my mom would put on CafePress, only not as good. 🙁

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