OK, this is just sad
There’s no denying that Microsoft’s “I’m A PC” ad campaign is setting the world on fire… (cough… crickets chirping, etc.), but with the economy tanking, I don’t even want to think of the person who is dropping their hard earned cash at the “I’m a PC” store this holiday season.

Featuring a wide range of “I’m a PC” merchandise including a set of shoes that will surely get your ass kicked, the I’m A PC store has everything you need to completely erase any traces of your dignity.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Aloy for the tip!
I’m a PC Store
delete the “I” and “P”
and you have the ‘MAC Store.
OMFG, I want a pair of that shoes – they are awesome
If I saw someone wearing those shoes, I indeed would kick their ass 😛
Well, the alternative is the “I’m NOT a PC” store – http://www.zazzle.com/im_a_pc
Haha, the button “Windows, life without walls”; I don’t see me running a firewall!
Mousepads are so twentieth century 🙂
Is that a skateboard?
Agreed…..mausepads are so old style….and the I’m a pc store is so so sad…!!!…. com’on!!…who would ever whant to buy such *rap?!! 🙂
OMFGZ I hate them.
i don’t think that button is going to compile
Take out the P and they all read IM A C
You can definitely tell a “geek” Windows designer created these items… not quite the sleekness of Apple…
OK show of hands and be honest who else wants Im a MAC shoes
It’s like stuff my mom would put on CafePress, only not as good. 🙁