Horribly translated iPhone game description of the day… Iron ball catch & release - Macenstein

Horribly translated iPhone game description of the day… Iron ball catch & release

OK, read this description of the newly released game Iron ball catch & release 1.0.0 (free) and tell me if you are ready to jump right into the action….

“It is a game that obtains iron ball that the enemy on the screen throws out, and defeats the throw return enemy. Iron ball that can be obtained is one though iron ball is obtained by the automatic operation. When it hits other iron ball with Tetstama, it is game over. If the enemy is continuously defeated, it becomes a high score.”

Got it?

Iron ball catch & release 1.0.0

In looking at the picture it looks like a “Dodgeball” variant, so odds are this guy is making it sound harder than it is, but my God, I am this close to opening a free translation service for game developers. Just send me a free game code and your horribly translated text, and I will figure out how to really describe your game.

Actually, don’t – I’m too lazy, but one of my faithful unemployed readers should really get on that.

2 Responses to “Horribly translated iPhone game description of the day… Iron ball catch & release”
  1. geWAPpnet says:

    Well, there are a lot of other examples in the store in other languages. E. g. in the German translation of the game Scoops “Highscores” became “Partituren” (musical scores for an orchestra). You have to know English to understand the German version of the game.

  2. This highlights the problem of using Google Translate.

    This is probably a very good translation of words but translation is not about words it’s about getting the context right which Google Translate epically fails at.

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