Is that a wine glass icon or Lindsay Lohan getting out of a limo? - Macenstein

Is that a wine glass icon or Lindsay Lohan getting out of a limo?

I suppose what you see here depends totally on how depraved an individual you are, but apparently both faithful Macenstein reader Cub and I see the same thing.

Long time reader, love the site!

Thought you might appreciate this image, surely has to be the dodgiest iPhone app icon ever! There’s a few things this looks like and a glass of wine isn’t the first thing that came to my mind 🙂 “

13 Responses to “Is that a wine glass icon or Lindsay Lohan getting out of a limo?”
  1. Rowlings says:

    Haha. Apple may be trying to keep the app store sex-free, but the dirty mind cannot be stopped!
    (and yes, I see it too).

  2. TheCos says:

    LOL. (and I mean it, for the first time in a while)

  3. pawel_z_wrocka says:

    LOL. We have just discussed it yesterday (with my bro and my cousin). When you look at it from a distance it is totally not wine.

  4. kcroy says:

    That is no wineglass. I saw the icon before I read the headline and thought, “What the ?????” Very funny!

  5. ookami says:


  6. odin says:

    Right up there with Space Stations being confused with Moons.

  7. Patrick says:

    I only see a glass of wine, I don’t see anything else, I don’t understand what –
    *wife leaves*

    Hehehe – totally.

  8. odin says:

    On another note, why would anyone pay $10 when you can google crotch for free…

  9. it’s most certainly a soft porn themed icon. the only similarity here is that “wine glass” rhymes with “girl’s ass”

  10. alex says:

    It took me 20 or 30 seconds to see the wine glass!

  11. Bassthing says:

    Molly Ringwald !!!! Yeah !!!

  12. pawel_z_wrocka says:

    … and my girlfriend totally sees a crotch too :-).

    Proving it’s not gender-related phenomenon.

  13. There’s another wine app for the iPhone at (without the sexy icon)

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