So… what constitutes “Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence”?
As any regular reader of Macenstein knows, I’m about he furthest thing you’ll find from a prude, but I just came across this new iPhone game called “Animals of Mass Destruction” and was a little surprised to see it has only a 9+ rating, citing “Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence“. Take a quick look at these 5 shots from the game (below). All of them, aside from the first one, have fairly obscene amounts of blood, guns, and torture – and the first one has what I think to be a cat with the biggest set of boobs I have seen on any cat, including Cheetara from Thundercats.

Given Apple’s new 17+ category for games like Amateur Surgeon, I’m just surprised this one slipped through, especially given the “cutesy, kid-friendly” characters, not to mention that torture room in the last shot with the pool of blood under the restrained hostage called “Little Boy” you are supposed to be interrogating…
If these screens are any indication, the violence could not be much more “frequent” if it tried.

Again, I have nothing against this game per se, just the rating.
Wow… so…. yeah. I don’t think any 10 year old should be torturing some cartoon boy. Especially when it recommends you hurt the person more to break their will. Disturbing.
I read somewhere that the KGB used to use a variation of this game to train its future interrogators, but even they waited until the kids were 11 before showing them this shit.
Looks like a pretty average day at work.