“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 5 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 5

Thank you, we have our winner. This contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Carrie!

On the Fifth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) An EyeTV Hybrid from Elgato!

EyeTV Hybrid by Elgato
Above: This thing will change your life. (Mac not included)

Looking for a nearly endless “free” source of movies and TV shows for your iPhone/iPod? Or maybe you just want to watch and record High-Def TV on your Mac? Well, assuming you win, you’re in luck! Today we’ve got the super sweet EyeTV Hybrid Mac TV tuner up for grabs, and at the risk of being accused of overselling this, I couldn’t live without mine. Maybe it’s just because I have kids, but if I had to pay for all the episodes of SpongeBob, Hannah Montana, Blues Clues and Barney I have put on my various iPods, iPhones, and Apple TVs over the years, I would have gone broke. (Well, broker). And I’ll be damned if I am going to PAY for an episode of Barney!

The EyeTV Hybrid delivers stunning-quality HDTV to the high-resolution display of your Mac. And because it receives both analog and digital TV, it’s an ideal (and inexpensive) solution for the digital transition. What’s more, EyeTV Hybrid is not just a TV; thanks to the included EyeTV 3 software, it’s also a digital video recorder (DVR) with a comprehensive Program Guide and editing capabilities. It’s a DVR that can put your television recordings on a Mac, iPod, iPhone, or Apple TV with one easy click of a button, and can export them for use in other Mac video applications. All this, in one small TV tuner stick.

To enter: Since the Hybrid is all about recording video, leave us a comment below telling us the one show you can’t live without. Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

554 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 5”
  1. Megan says:

    Felicity (shut up).

  2. SirCrumpet says:

    It has short seasons and it’s not currently airing, but The IT Crowd would probably take the cake.

  3. steveinet says:


  4. Unclecal says:

    Doctor Who of course.

  5. Benjamin Tattersley says:

    Torchwood 😀 IT’S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

  6. Lars Beduhn says:

    Monk. As to say it with Apple-Fanboy’s words: “He’s a genius” ^

  7. T Sampson says:


  8. Daniel Marquard says:

    The only show I really ever watch is Intervention on A&E.

  9. Rhonda Mason says:

    Only because the Nascar season is at the off season I’ll go with the Mentalist…the Unit and NCIS

  10. Paul says:

    Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

  11. scarlco says:

    Anything sci-fi, really.

  12. Faloopa says:

    Weeds on Showtime.

    I got into it this year and watched all 4 seasons in just under two weeks. The new season doesn’t start until July and I can’t wait!!

  13. Rick Hahn says:

    Leave it to Beaver

  14. Andy Renouf says:

    Big Bang Theory

  15. kcanread says:


  16. Paul says:

    Topgear! (Best car show)

  17. Nights says:

    Even now, I would say Six Feet Under…

  18. Mark says:

    Oddly, King of the Hill. It’s been unexpectedly good at bringing me together with someone very important to me.

  19. Ross says:

    Although Hotel erotica is generally on my top list right now im diggin mr carell in the office, SHRUTE FARMS

  20. Paul Cheezem says:


  21. Alan says:

    South Park

  22. Max says:

    I do like Doctor Who, but the one I make sure I don’t miss is Top Gear.

  23. Derek S says:

    Lost or The Office, such a hard decision

  24. Kevin Dixon says:

    Dexter is my number one pick, followed by The Office and House.

  25. Steve says:


  26. Adam M. Lane says:

    The Office

  27. Andy says:

    Dexter……True Blood

  28. Andreas says:


  29. John says:

    The Office

  30. Jason Isaac says:

    This thing is awesome, I would love to have another one.

  31. Justin Octo says:

    i cannot live without Chuck!
    that sounded a bit homosexual

  32. Lizzie says:

    Burn Notice

  33. Tommy says:

    I love me some Family Guy! oh, and i hope the eyetv you’re giving away is the one they just announced today!

  34. Amy L says:


  35. David Cobia says:

    Lost In Space — with the green alien woman…”handsome, pretty, handsome, Dr. Smith!”

  36. Chris says:

    Top Gear! Sadly I live in the US:(

  37. Uwe says:

    That would be The Simpsons. Loved it since I was “young”(er) 😉

  38. Phillip says:

    Dr. House

  39. Bob Taylor says:

    Top Gear

  40. Jeff says:

    Life on Mars

  41. Jed says:

    Uhm, 24…

  42. Lisa says:


  43. Cameron says:

    The Simpsons

  44. Berknip says:

    Probably end up being “Handy Manny” episodes since my 1 & 1/2 year old daughter loves that show so much.

  45. Alex Donoho says:

    One more in for Eureka. Sheriff Carter FTW 🙂

  46. CKM says:


  47. Pyzio says:

    Top Gear!! Jeremy Clarkson is the kind of fat idiot youcan get addicted to listen to 😀

  48. Sean says:

    True Blood and Monk, maybe True Monk or Monk Blood would make it easier for me?


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