Apple reinvents the wheel – The Onion reinvents the Mactini - Macenstein

Apple reinvents the wheel – The Onion reinvents the Mactini

I love the Onion, I really do. In fact, I got a 2-year subscription to The Onion for Christmas. But check out the video below, and tell me if it looks familiar…

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

If you said “It’s basically is the same joke used in the Mactini video (below) done by the UK’s Peter Serafinowicz a couple weeks ago,”, you’re right! (They’re both still funny though).

4 Responses to “Apple reinvents the wheel – The Onion reinvents the Mactini”
  1. Imagine Engine says:

    Made my day 🙂

  2. roy says:

    mactini so owns the click wheel
    esspicaly the obselte bit .i would personly like a macbook mini maybe not that mini

  3. Telp says:

    They were both actually really funny. I especially liked the comma. Just hold down for 4 seconds, off for 2 econds and then, ratata ta. good stuff.

  4. Grover says:

    I dunno, I thought the onion one was really funny, while the Mactini one was wildly boring and very reminiscent of a SNL sketch the iPod Picaño. But since all three are pretty obvious jokes (take what company A typically does and just exaggerate it to ludicrous proportions) I think we can give them all a pass on originality.

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