Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Meghan McCain - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Meghan McCain

I’m not entirely sure being the daughter of a presidential candidate/Senator makes you a celebrity, but I guess if you are featured in GQ you must be somewhat famous. So here’s Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain and her MacBook Pro, posing in bed together with a beer.

meghan McCain macbook

Hmmm… maybe it WOULD have been a fun presidency after all…

meghan McCain macbook

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader John for the tip!
[via GQ and Sparrowblog]

11 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Meghan McCain”
  1. Paul says:

    Grrrr, baby, grrrrr…..

  2. Wiseguy says:

    Hmm. I demand a recount!

  3. the_0ne says:

    I’d say if that ass Paris Hilton, just being a rich spoiled brat, makes her a celebrity. Then a presidential candidate (and senator)’s daughter would probably qualify also. 🙂

    Although she needs to trade that damn blackberry for an iPhone. She can afford it.

  4. Brad says:

    is that a miller light ewwww

  5. iShervin says:

    Black Boooori!! yakk ! 😀 but macbook pro! yey!

  6. ookami says:

    holy snap! those “apples” are serious busyness (*_*)//

  7. Kensei says:

    Meh. Advertising exec: “Hey we need some props to make Meghan cooler than she is in reality. Someone get me a one of those Apple computer thingies.” ;p

    The first photo looks ok. The second one just smacks of fake!

  8. Jim says:

    She’s obviously enjoying macenstein.com with that beer. Although I think she might have a bit of trouble seeing those keys to type.

  9. Xeno says:

    She voted for change too

  10. mangochutney says:

    Unfortunately the presidency of the USA is not inheritable, otherwise I would concur Doc.

  11. Enigmafna420 says:

    Wow-never seen her before-too bad.

    She is a feast for the eyes-wonder if she can SEE to type 🙂

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