How cold is it? - Macenstein

How cold is it?

It’s pretty freaking cold…

Apple logo ice sculpture

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Cold Miser for the link]
[Photo by J.Bruna via Flickr]

6 Responses to “How cold is it?”
  1. Justin says:

    That’s pretty awesome.

  2. jonro says:

    Cool. I mean, cold.

  3. Sampers says:

    new apple (ice)cube? 😀

  4. iShervin says:

    how can u make such a thing?
    looking nice…

  5. I’d say cut out the logo in cardboard, tape some plastic cover in it, so the cardboard is completely covered and then pour in water an put it in the freezer!

    Looks really cool :p

  6. roy says:

    doc it is 40 degrees Celsius here
    thatss hot even for Australian standers i would kill to be next to this cool icey sculpture

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