“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 10 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 10

Thank you, we have a winner – this contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Uncle Miltie!

On the Tenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Logitech diNovo Keyboard Mac® Edition !

ogitech diNovo Keyboard Mac® Edition
Play your cards right, and those could be YOUR hands! (Assuming you’re a woman, or a man who lotions).

Well, I’ll be honest. When this one came in I seriously contemplated keeping it for myself and pretending one of you guys won it, but I’m just too damn honest (or… am i?).


The Logitech diNovo Keyboard Mac® Edition looks awesome with its ultra-slim profile, piano-black finish, and brushed-aluminum palm rest designed to perfectly match the design aesthetic of your Mac desktop or notebook, and the comfortable, fluid, and silent keys are designed to make typing a dream compared to those clackety chicklet keyboards you may be used to using. And best of all, the thing is wireless, so assuming you have an 8 foot monitor, you can use it from across the room and type in the relative comfort of your sofa or Craftmatic Adjustable Bed.

To enter: Since the diNovo Keyboard is designed for typing, and you usually type words, simply tell us what your favorite word in the whole wide world is (sorry, “Gravitas” has already been taken by Kiefer Sutherland) . Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

500 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 10”
  1. Kyle says:


  2. Douglas V. says:

    Macenstein… :p

    Thanks, Doc!

  3. FRANK says:


  4. Keyser Soze says:


  5. ann says:

    shoes, strangely i’ve met a couple other people with a fascination for this word as well.

  6. Tommy says:

    my favorite word is “kimochii” 😉

  7. Amy L says:

    My favorite word is boondoggle

  8. Richard Turner says:

    favorite word is salvation
    second favorite word is Terri (my wife)

  9. Thomas says:


    What other word can be used so much and often have such a dramatic effect.

  10. Brian J. N. says:

    Thrash .. Not sure why.. 🙂

  11. Chris says:


  12. Michael says:

    I think the Chinese word ‘囧’
    Don’t it look like two sadly eyes with a opened mouth? lol

    Many people in Taiwan are using this as the meaning ‘so sad’


  13. JAK says:

    SUPERFLOUS(soo PURR flu-us): “more than is necessary”

    1: It’s awesome how it just rolls off your tongue(ESP. WHEN YOUR DRRRRRUNK!)
    2: It just sounds really cool

  14. Uwe says:

    The german word for happy – “glücklich”

  15. Preshit says:

    Apple… DUH!

  16. Bungie says:

    A favourite word is “wee” – a Scottish word for small that is widely used

  17. Ronny says:

    Colgate, a toothpaste that doesn’t sell in Spain, because it’s Spanish for “go hang yourself.”

  18. Ronny says:

    another favorite is Giddens – A person who loses all self control in party situations, says “Your Mom” as an attempted comeback, and trades punches while trashed.


    also, twin brothers in SF, who are two of my best friends.

  19. Jeff says:


  20. Lisa says:


  21. Bob Taylor says:


  22. ric says:


  23. Jed says:

    na-ka-ka-pag-pa-bagabag (now say it really fast)… that’s Filipino for…been to Bagabag…

  24. Seth says:


  25. Cameron says:


  26. Frank says:


  27. Berknip says:


  28. Ryan says:

    wow, fancy

  29. Grover says:


    It’s the act of pushing something out of a window. I’m baffled it exists at all.

  30. Franiel says:

    ucalegon – a neighbor who’s house is on fire

  31. galenthon says:


  32. Michael says:

    My favorite word is vacation. I really like it when I can tell people I am going on vacation, which doesn’t happen often enough.

  33. Unclecal says:


  34. Manny says:


  35. Manny says:

    irascible (sp.)

  36. Alex Donoho says:

    Gotta go with ‘Cynosure’, meaning ‘a person or thing that is the center of attention or admiration’. Not to describe myself, but because it has a cool pedigree:

    Late 16th cent.: from French, or from Latin cynosura, from Greek kunosoura ‘dog’s tail’ (also ‘Ursa Minor’ ), from kuōn, kun- ‘dog’ + oura ‘tail.’ The term originally denoted the constellation Ursa Minor, or the star Polaris that it contains, long used as a guide by navigators.

  37. karinatwork says:

    Eloquence. Because I wish I had some. 🙂

  38. jonasr says:

    definitely “cockface” 🙂

  39. Pyzio says:

    boobies 😀

  40. Joel Goh says:


  41. Paul says:

    It would be “cool”.

  42. jeremy says:


    (I know I’m not original, but I answered before checking the other comments. It was the first word I though of.)

  43. Wolf says:

    Osteichthyes because it’s fun to say.
    ( It’s a fish classification )

  44. James says:


  45. Bro says:

    suiml Marcum

  46. Simon says:

    oblong, amazing word.

  47. Dave says:

    Anything that Americans mis-pronounce/spell… Schedule or Aluminium spring to mind. Take your pick.

  48. kmoth says:



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