“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 11 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 11

Thank you, we have a winner – this Contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader John!

On the Eleventh Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Realmac Software bundle featuring your very own copies of RapidWeaver and LittleSnapper !

RapidWeaver is so full of awesomeness, you should really check out all its features.

First up is RapidWeaver, the web design app that will have you looking like a pro in no time, or, if you already are a pro, having you looking pretty much the same, but with more free time. With 40 built-in templates, 10 page types, and tons of plug-ins, you’ll be cranking out Photo albums from your iPhoto library, blogs, flash slideshows, podcasts and more in a matter of minutes, and the sites not only won’t suck, they’ll actually look like you knew what you were doing! RapidWeaver was built for Leopard and has a slick interface and tons of cool features like built-in Google Analytics support, favicon creation, one-click publishing (even to MobileMe), and a robust user community of over 23,000 members and growing. Even if you don’t win you should download the free 30 day trial here and check it out, it really is quite slick.

Above: “HULK SMASH!” LittleSnapper is a screengrab app on Steroids, without the roid rage and acne!

Next we have LittleSnapper. Don’t let the name fool you, LittleSnapper is big on features, and if you are looking for a better way to grab snapshots of webpages, your desktop, or pretty much anything, odds are LittleSnapper has got you covered. LittleSnapper not only lets you snap pages or page elements (sort of like Safari’s webclips) but it also allows you to build a library of your snaps for latter viewing or editing. You can make non-destructive annotations, share snaps with friends and clients via Flickr or FTP. One of my personal favorite features of LittleSnapper is it can take a shot of an entire webpage, even parts that are off the screen, so I no longer have to do stitching in Photoshop.

To enter: Since both RapidWeaver and LittleSnapper are all about creating and saving amazing web pages, simply tell us what the 2ND best website in the world is (We’ll assume Macenstein.com is number one). Yes, we know we’re opening ourselves to your shameless self-promotion, but whatever. Plug away. Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

270 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 11”
  1. whaps says:

    a distant second would have to go to http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/danpatrick/

  2. iShervin says:

    1. here
    2. http://www.skins.be (try the cars/movies section on top left links)

  3. J. Adams says:


  4. Hanan Marton says:

    let’s you try apps before buying, so you’ll know what’s worth your money

  5. John says:


  6. Peter Z says:


  7. BlackSmurf says:


  8. Joe says:

    My Google home page

  9. Lee Howson says:

    cult of mac

  10. Mike says:


  11. Kevin says:


  12. Connor says:


  13. jonro says:


  14. scarlco says:


  15. Funkytooth says:


  16. Lars says:

    son of macentstein

  17. Uncle Miltie says:


    I’m addicted…

  18. Curtis says:


  19. [In:TkZ] says:


  20. abubaker Shamlan says:


  21. FCGrabo says:

    MacDailyNews.com. A double edged sword.

  22. me Sam says:


  23. jeremy says:


  24. Well, of course http://www.ohnocomics.com is the best yet to be discovered site/webcomic on the net!!!

  25. herbivoor says:

    http://www.google.com off course 😉

  26. Adam M. Lane says:

    http://www.apple.com/store – makes me wish I had more money.

  27. Alan says:

    Mine and you can tell it needs help with RapidWeaver. http://www.theashleyspot.com. 🙂

  28. odin says:


  29. theo says:

    i’d go with engadget.com for my tech news stuff.

    for something funny, questionablecontent.com …

  30. Jeffrey Penner says:


  31. Scotty D says:

    I gotta go for…


  32. Rhonda Mason says:

    I have to agree with google. I use it all day long.

  33. MartinM says:

    Next vote for Gooooogle

  34. Mark says:



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