“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 14
[Thank you, we have our winner, this contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Matt!]
On the Fourteenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A set of Monster’s Beats Headphones by Dr. Dre!

Above: Apple sells these bad boys for $349, but they can be yours for free if you’re lucky.
I want you to close your eyes. (Actually, don’t, or you won’t be able to read the rest of this post). Keep your eyes open, but now I want you to imagine the coolest looking, most amazing-sounding headphones you can. Now, imagine even cooler ones. OK, you picturing them? Well, the Beats Headphones by Dr. Dre are twice as cool as those.
Dr. Dre worked with Monster for three years to come up with the Beats, and it shows. Universally heralded as AWESOME by Engadget, TIME, Macworld, CNN, and more, the Beats have dethroned Bose as the reigning champ when it comes to quality, noise-canceling audio. With advanced speaker design, powered amplification, and active noise canceling, Beats delivers all the power, clarity, and deep bass today’s artists and producers want you to hear. In fact, these things are so cool, they can even cover Michael Phelps’ giant ears (click here, and click “Media” to check out the celebrity photos, including Phelps, Gwen Stefani, Akon, Kanye and others loving their Beats).
The Beats fold up small for travel, and are even compatible with the iPhone, as one of the two included cables has a built-in microphone and in-line remote, so you can hear your iPhone conversations in crystal clear, noise canceled bliss as you ride the train, or attend NASCAR.
To enter: Since the Beats are made by Monster, the scariest name in high quality audio and video, leave us a comment telling us what you think is the coolest monster ever (It’s obviously Super Grover, but I’ll entertain runner ups). Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
The Sugar Puffs Honey Monster!
The Brown and Green Gargantuans from War of the Gargantuans.
Banana monster
Bowser from the Mario Bros series.
The way he keeps terrorizing the Mushroom Kingdom gives him a monster mentality. Geeze, maybe he and Donkey Kong of old should team up………hmmmmmmmm!
heh heh heh
The rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, of course. He has big, pointy teeth!
the best monster of them all is the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man from ghostbusters!!! Run!
The Cookie Monster!
The monster from Cloverfield…especially when the little monsters detached from the larger one!
Dick Cheney
The coolest it’s Cookie Monster
tie between King Kong and Cloverfield
Gravedigger. It can drive over CARS!
The Gorgon.
Wormwood, the old testement has some sacry monsters
Duh, Cookie Monster is the coolest. C is for cookie and B is for Beats!
Cookie Monster FTW!
The curry monster from Red Dwarf.
The “black smoke” in LOST
King Kong
The abominable snowman!
phil schiller
The coolest monsters are Myrkridias from the game Myth 2 by Bungie!!
Head crabs from Half Life … scared the sh.t out of me!
Thanks Macenstein
The coolest monster ever is saint dane from the pendragon books… he is evil, but for good reasons
One-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater.
Cookie Monster
Osama bin Laden
King Kong c’mon hes a giant monkey!
The Daleks.
Me… I’m the coolest monster.
John Kerry
Definitely Cthulhu… though any of the old ones would do in a pinch.
Mr. Snuffleupagus!!!
man bear pig
Did you ever watch the Quatermass Experiment original version on the BBC. That was an incredible monster and it was in black & white!
Gonna have to go with The Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth. I have got to get ahold of whatever Guillermo del Toro was smoking when he came up with that…thing.
Homer’s wig from one of the Treehouse of Horrors – if you remember it actually turned Homer cool, a psychopath, but cool
definitely Maurice (Howie Mandel’s character) from the movie Little Monsters. He was blue and had a mohawk and was a badass!
Lil Wayne said it him self… he is a pussy monster 😉
The Marshmallow from ghostbusters!
the one in my pants ;P
Dick Cheney
I’ll add one to the Drac Pack.
GeOrGe BuSh