“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 15
[Thank you, we have our winner, this contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader SuperSam!]
On the Fifteenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A PowerDock 2 from Griffin!

Above: Eh, What’s up, Docs? (Sorry, iPods/iPhones not included).
Does your family own a family of iPod or iPhone models? Can you only find one charger when all of you need to recharge? Call a cease-fire with PowerDock, a charging base where every iPod and iPhone in the house can get together to charge its batteries. The PowerDock 2 plugs into any standard wall outlet and can charge two iPods or iPhones simultaneously in its sturdy, brushed aluminum base. Best of all, it’s made by Griffin, a name you can trust, and bears both Apple’s “Works with iPhone” and “Made for iPod” certification, so you can rest assured your gear won’t won’t fry, unlike those no-name 3rd party iPod chargers.
To enter: Since the PowerDock 2 is all about providing power to two of your Apple handhelds, leave us a comment telling us the two super powers you would want to be given most. (We realize it’s too hard to pick just one). Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
The ability to blog without getting tired, and the ability to blog in Iambic pentameter..
Invisibility and Teleportation.
The Force and Mr Fantastic’s super stretchy ability.
1. ability to produce/emit electricity
2. telekinesis
teleportation and invisibility
invisibility and flying, a lethal combo.
Immortality, and X ray vision
Super healing and photographic memory
The abilities to teleport and pause time.
midas touch
Fly and super strength (sans the roids) 🙂
Invisible power and the ability to stop time.
luck (like Longshot)
super hearing and breathing underwater
Omnipotence and the ability to move at the speed of light.
Mind manipulation and shapeshifting, no doubt about it
El Hombre del Saco
EL hombre del saco is a monster for yesterday’s giveaway! Swapped tabs!!
The power to bring ideas into reality.
Infinite lives to play and replay and replay, or at least, infinite auto-healing, maybe just infinite healing, to make it shareable.
teleportation and invisibility
time control, and fliyng. so cool not to pay an airline ticket or have to wait to get my PowerDock •_•
Time Control, though I’m not sure what I’d use it for.
Telekinesis, which would go well with my innate laziness 😉
Flight and telepathy… i think… If I had the power to fly, i’d get bugs in my teeth hehe So, flight, but with proper precautions 🙂
It’s all about Teleportation & Jedi Mind Control/Object moving ability!
gotta go with flight and super strength
I want to be able to fly so fast that I can travel through time. And i would like to be a shapeshifter.
Super strength and super speed. With those, you don’t need anything else – you can get the ladies, never be late for an appointment, go fast enough to fly (or not need to fly), etc.
1. Flying
2. Winning every Macenstein givaway
Invisibility at will and flying 🙂
To be invisible and read minds.
thanks for the giveaway
I´d definitely like to have a telepathic ability as well as possess “hexes” that would help me influence probability fields and thus the occurrence of various unlikely phenomena :ihihihihihihi
P.S. Partly inspired from the Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics) 🙂
teleportation and form changing
super death stare and to make women fall in love with me…..wait I already do that!! Haha!! The second one would be the power to always have the amount of money I want at any given time.
Invisible telekinetically controlled force fields and psychic powers.
polymorphism and telekenisis
1) Flying
2) Land smotthly
Super strength and Flying.
time travel and healing power
Shape shifting and immortality.
Time stop-Lapse power, and Interdimensional travelling….
FLYING invisibility
flying – time travel
invisibility/super speed