“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 15 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 15

[Thank you, we have our winner, this contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader SuperSam!]

On the Fifteenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A PowerDock 2 from Griffin!

Griffin PowerDock 2
Above: Eh, What’s up, Docs? (Sorry, iPods/iPhones not included).

Does your family own a family of iPod or iPhone models? Can you only find one charger when all of you need to recharge? Call a cease-fire with PowerDock, a charging base where every iPod and iPhone in the house can get together to charge its batteries. The PowerDock 2 plugs into any standard wall outlet and can charge two iPods or iPhones simultaneously in its sturdy, brushed aluminum base. Best of all, it’s made by Griffin, a name you can trust, and bears both Apple’s “Works with iPhone” and “Made for iPod” certification, so you can rest assured your gear won’t won’t fry, unlike those no-name 3rd party iPod chargers.

To enter: Since the PowerDock 2 is all about providing power to two of your Apple handhelds, leave us a comment telling us the two super powers you would want to be given most. (We realize it’s too hard to pick just one). Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

392 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 15”
  1. alex says:

    1) Power to fly!
    2) Power to be able to lift things without touching them.. like.. Harry Pottter or something. But without the wood-stick.

  2. Trip Mitchell says:

    invisibility and flight is all I need. please.

  3. Velociraptor says:

    Super speed and mind-reading.

  4. Scotty D says:

    Making time freeze and ummm blowing fire out of my a$$.

  5. demoabi says:

    telekinesis and time controling powers

  6. Stephen B says:

    Travel through time and super strength

  7. Lars Beduhn says:

    I want the Insanely Greatness Super Power of Steve Jobs ^^

    And the Jumping Up and Down Super Power Agility of Steve Ballmer

    Combine the best of the two Steves ^^

  8. imageek says:

    flying and x-ray vision 😀

    yes im a perv

  9. mpeterke says:

    The ability to fly and telekinesis…

  10. Marlon says:

    Read minds and change the toughts to my way… And the ability to control time… back and forth… jajajjajaj!!! (evil laugh)!!!

  11. Rick Hahn says:

    X-Ray vision and flight are the two I would post in a public forum…I have another that’s more fantasy!

  12. Dani says:

    To fly and be invisible

  13. andrew says:

    Innate capability and Memory manipulation

  14. MacMarine says:

    teleport and mind read.

  15. Daniel says:

    Invulnerability and super healing.

  16. lastgiantrobot says:

    I wish for the super power to write witty comments and the super power to win awesome contests.

  17. Lars says:

    invulnerability and fly

  18. Jason says:

    1. ability to slow down time
    2. ability to think of a 2nd superpower.

  19. Nils says:

    1. no need to rest
    2. fly

  20. Alex D says:

    I’d like to be able to fly and be invisible.

  21. wischi says:

    Infinite knowledge and the Power to handle the infinite knowledge

  22. Rhonda Mason says:

    Mind control and mind reading! Boy, now that could be some fun!

  23. Bjorn says:

    I would take telekinesis and flight

  24. flying and teleportation

  25. Tish says:

    OOO…TWo super powers…lets see

    invisible and the ability to fly. don’t you just want to lift yourself out of 5 o’clock traffic and make it home before the news starts.

  26. Jerry says:

    teleportation and telekinesis

  27. blake says:

    fly and invisibility. That is a good combo, unless you’re not paying attention while flying.

  28. Kaycee says:

    Invisibility and teleportation!

  29. MLB says:



  30. chrisdejabet says:

    1) Flight – because it just looks so fun to do.
    2) Telekinesis – because I’m too lazy to get up to grab my coffee.

  31. Michael says:

    I already have two superpowers, but if i tell you what they are I’d have to kill you… 😉

  32. James says:

    To be invisible and fly

  33. Cal says:

    flight and invisibility

  34. derico says:

    chronokinesis and shape shifting

  35. scott says:

    teleportation and telekinesis

  36. Big D says:

    time travel and teleportation

  37. I always thought that teleporting and invisibility would be cool!

  38. John Vasquez says:

    healing and telepathy

  39. SnackyBear says:

    1. Turn any metal into gold
    2. Turn rocks into diamonds

  40. Tony says:

    1. invisibilty
    2. time travel

  41. Lizzie says:

    Power of flight and psychic powers

  42. Pat says:

    Wish granting; Wish revoking

  43. Walter says:

    Transmutation and Time travel !

  44. Seth says:

    Time Travel and Telekinesis

  45. Paul says:

    The power to Grant myself more Superpowers. The power to light my farts at will.

  46. Jeff says:

    Flying and super vision

  47. Ian says:

    Invisibility and Super Strength

  48. Cameron says:

    Flight and invisibility

  49. msn26586 says:

    flying and invulnerability

  50. Daniel M says:

    invulnerability and shape-shifting


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