“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 15 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 15

[Thank you, we have our winner, this contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader SuperSam!]

On the Fifteenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A PowerDock 2 from Griffin!

Griffin PowerDock 2
Above: Eh, What’s up, Docs? (Sorry, iPods/iPhones not included).

Does your family own a family of iPod or iPhone models? Can you only find one charger when all of you need to recharge? Call a cease-fire with PowerDock, a charging base where every iPod and iPhone in the house can get together to charge its batteries. The PowerDock 2 plugs into any standard wall outlet and can charge two iPods or iPhones simultaneously in its sturdy, brushed aluminum base. Best of all, it’s made by Griffin, a name you can trust, and bears both Apple’s “Works with iPhone” and “Made for iPod” certification, so you can rest assured your gear won’t won’t fry, unlike those no-name 3rd party iPod chargers.

To enter: Since the PowerDock 2 is all about providing power to two of your Apple handhelds, leave us a comment telling us the two super powers you would want to be given most. (We realize it’s too hard to pick just one). Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

392 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 15”
  1. Minimum91 says:

    The Ability to make Macs run 5 times faster.
    The Ability to feed myself.

  2. m477 says:

    dodge stupid question and stupid people

  3. dammitjanet says:

    super balloon animal making, and strontium ray nostrils..

    no, really.

  4. James W Lane says:

    Super Intelligence and Speed

  5. m477 says:

    the ability to change Steve Jobs keynote outfit
    the ability to know what the keynote will be about

  6. darren says:

    teleportation & time travel

  7. Trevor Ramage says:

    Invisibility and Teleportation.


  8. Wesley says:

    Flying and be irresistible for chicks…..

    Sex in the sky… UHU!

  9. J says:

    Time stopping….. and strength

  10. Matthew Smith says:

    Ability to speak all languages and ability to teleport.

  11. Arnie says:

    Invisibility and flying

  12. Matt says:

    Auto healing and teleportation

  13. eric says:

    Flying and invisibility

  14. Francisco Gonzalez says:

    Indestructible pornstache.
    Bulletproof chest-hair

  15. Roberto says:

    Mind control and teleportation

  16. Greg Sutton says:

    A laptop-proof lap and a personal phone signal booster

    That would be great.

  17. AJ K says:

    teleportation, invisibility – though I love Flash

  18. Big Bubba says:

    invisivility and x-ray vision

  19. Hannah says:

    Flying and teleportation are at the top of my list!

  20. Dree says:

    healing and invisibility

  21. Mike Z. says:

    shapeshifting and ability to charge my iphone by looking at it

  22. forrest Watkins says:

    Control of time and telekenesis

  23. galenthon says:

    telekinesis and super-healing

  24. Logan says:

    Omniscience and immortality.

  25. Ron Green says:

    Invisability, teleportation.

  26. RonW says:

    A better memory and …… I forgot the other thing.

  27. BlackSmurf says:

    x-ray and telekinesis.

  28. Keyman says:

    Telekinesis and regenerative abilities.

  29. Sergio Montelongo says:

    super speed and x ray vision

  30. Bobby says:

    X-ray vision, and the ability to hear people’s thoughts!

  31. Imagine Engine says:

    Having the power of telekinesis and be an immortal.

  32. One to have aquatic abilities and Two power to heal

  33. Richard Turner says:

    regenerative healing-both myself and others and flying

  34. media_lush says:

    the power to make happen whatever I happen to think…. I guess that kind of covers them all really

  35. Jason Isaac says:

    Wonder Twin Powers and I the power to create a twin to use said powers.

  36. Izzy says:

    mind control and flight

  37. Max says:

    Invisibility and Mind reading/control FTW

  38. claymonkeo says:

    well with all the posts the ability to copy

  39. Chris Ng says:

    Super Intelligence, Super Strength

  40. leishan says:

    Invisibility and teleportation

  41. Ryan says:

    Very cool, they make great ipod stuff!

  42. Steve519 says:

    to stop time and to fly

  43. John says:

    stop time and read minds.

  44. David says:

    Teletransportation & breath in water

  45. Matt Davis says:

    time control and teleportation! (rob a bank vault while the cameras are “paused,” anyone? lol jk)

  46. Isaac says:

    invulnerability snd flight

  47. Lee says:

    Super strength and flight

  48. Peter Z says:

    Giving me two more superpowers would only be unfair to everyone else.

  49. Pyzio says:

    flight and invisibility

  50. Whitehawk says:

    Mindreading and healing


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