“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 17
[Thank you, we have a winner. This contest is now closed. Congratulation to faithful Macenstein reader Brett!]
On the Seventeenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) Your very own copy of DiskWarrior 4 by Alsoft!
Yes, the mighty DiskWarrior 4, the safest, most technologically advanced, most powerful utility to eliminate directory damage available for any computer, and, the only product, hardware or software, that has ever earned the highly sought after 10 out of 10 rating from Macenstein. Why? Because it rescued my entire 60 GB music collection when I had a drive go kablooey on me and other disk repair utilities failed.
The key to DiskWarrior’s success is that it is not a disk repair program in the conventional sense. Instead of patching the original directory, it uses a patent-pending technology to quickly build a new replacement directory using data recovered from the original directory, thereby recovering files, folders and documents that you thought were lost and that no other program could recover.
Those of you who have had disk trouble and who have written to me in desperation know DiskWarrior is my go-to answer, so if you do not own it already, and don’t win it here, go buy a copy. You’ll be glad you did.
To enter: Since DiskWarrior is the weapon of choice when fighting damaged disks, leave us a comment with the coolest imaginary weapon in TV/Film/videogame history. It could be the Death Star from Star Wars, The Sword of Omens from Thundercats, or Sticky Grenades from Halo 3 (but we all know it is the Glave from the movie Krull). Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
The beans in the campfire scene in Blazing Saddles followed by Mongo punching the horse out.
Gambit’s Deck of Cards…
For me, the best weapon would have to be from Half-Life 2: the Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator, also known as the “gravity gun.”
Of course it’s the Lightsaber, I mean seriously, what other weapon would have so many incredible everyday uses even when not fighting the Empire!
That gun in the Silvester Stallon’s old movie (The Judge)
Battleth from Star Trek
The lightsaber, off course ^^
Two lightsabers is always better than one! ^^
Farfara Rapier from “Das schwarze Auge – Drakensang”
medusa’s stare ftw!
dual lightsabers
Spock’s hand!
hands down the force!
Staff of Magius.
The Genesis Project in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
For its possibilities – lightsaber (promoted 12th times)
staff in predator 2
the lightsabers!
The double-handed red-crystal light saber 🙂
That’s gotta be the coolest weapon in history ^_^
Sword of Omens!
Lion-O’s sword in Thundercats… I have to get one of those
The Elder Wand in Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows
BFG from doom
Mayor Adam West’s Cat Launcher from Family Guy 😀
light saber
crazy sun thing in die another day
Ant-Lions Pheromone (Bugbait)
The pencil in Batman when the joker makes it disappear.
the zatgun from Stargate. One shot stuns, two kills, and three disintegrates. Cool, and useful
Dr. Evil Laser Beam in Austin Powers….. it can destroy the world!
Uh behave! 😀
Sword of Omens! Hoooo
The Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda
silver surfers surf board
White Star from Babylon 5
Light sabre
freeze pilot
The comfy chair from Monty Python.
The Rail Gun from Quake III
Death Star or Lightsaber… depends on the job you are doing…
Lightsaber without a doubt
Strictly speaking, not a weapon per se, but I choose to treat it as such:
Gun Kata!
Defender’s “Smart Bomb”
Lightsaber meh.
Give me a Morph Ovum from Heretic!
Max Paynes’ Jackhammer!
I would have to say the starship Spaceball I as well… It craked me up when that thing turned into Mega Maid…
Fr me the coolest imaginary weapon in Film has has to be the T-X from Terminator3. Not only is she bada** but sexy to boot. Who could ask for a better weapon
I don’t want to win this one!!!
I believe my mac built in security is well good enough…
So I am not gonna enter the draw, but good luck every one!
Lightsaber. No contest!