“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 25 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 25

On the Twenty-Fifth Day After Christmas (or is it the first Day of Martin Luther King Jr. Day?), Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) an Elevator Desktop Stand for Personal Computers from Griffin!

Elevator Desktop Stand for Personal Computers

I love this thing. Not only does it look cool and help show off your laptop, it actually serves a couple legitimate purposes as well. The Elevator lifts your laptop off your desk, allowing you to reclaim valuable desktop space, while at the same time raising the screen to a more comfortable, ergonomically friendly viewing height. And, by “elevating” your laptop, you also allow for a 360Ëš airflow which will help keep your computer running cooler (and as any MacBook owner knows, Macs may look cool, but they don’t run cool). Elevator’s sturdy brushed aluminum and minimal design go great with any desk decor, and Elevator holds your portable computer safely and securely at just the right height to match external monitors – and to save your aching neck.

To enter: Speaking of neck strain, this morning I took a comically bad face plant while sledding and really hurt my neck (sorry, no video, but it basically looked like this). So to enter this contest, simply leave us a comment telling us what is the worst injury you have ever sustained? Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

358 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 25”
  1. Matt says:

    Broken tendon in middle finger.

  2. Ozzy says:

    i cut my finger tip.

  3. D'Juan says:

    My worst injury was a part of a car accident. When I was eight, I was hit by a speeding car while crossing the street, went into a coma. It was Sunday afternoon when I was hit and I woke up Wednesday afternoon.

    I have *very* light scarring on my right cheek, forehead, and on my right shoulder blade.

    So yea – they’re multiple injuries, but a part of a whole event. I hope that counts!

    Good luck to everyone entering!

  4. Chris Moyer says:

    A small cut on my hand that required stitches. LAme, eh?

  5. Hard Charger says:

    Broken collar bone after being hit by a car.

  6. Sacksenheim says:

    dislocated my shoulder three or four times

  7. Nathan says:

    Broken ankle 🙁

  8. randy says:

    back injury

  9. Mike says:

    Years ago I got in a dart fight with a friend. One of the darts hit my leg and got stuck in the bone and I couldn’t pull it out. My friend pulled it out but I ended up with osteomyletis ( infection in the bone) requiring a debridement and later on a bone scraping, and a semi-permanent IV for daily antibiotics. It’s better now….but sucked at the time.

  10. Stephen says:

    I’m saddened to say that I stabbed myself in the hand about a year and a half ago. Luckily, I didn’t go too far into the hand or else they said I could have been really screwed. I had about 11 stitches and to this day it still bothers me sometimes if I grab something the wrong way.

  11. Chris says:

    Left leg/ankle

  12. Derek Foo says:

    was running and tripped and hit the edge of the stairs just above the left eye, thankfully no permanent damage.

  13. Erik Guzman says:

    Smashed my toe nail with a iron pipe and cracked and split the nail open…

  14. Kathleen Wilson says:

    freshmen year of high school i was playing all girls touch football during P.E. This girl twice my size (i’m 5’1) tripped trying to catch the ball and fell on me sitting on me knee thus spraining my knee.

  15. David Syzdek says:

    I lost a bunch of toenails after running a marathon. They turned black, then fell off. I kept them for a while….

  16. Dave says:

    I suffered a chipped bone in my thumb stuffing a guy playing beach volleyball.

  17. Dree says:

    I fractured my collarbone while riding a dirtbike. I hit a huge rock. Yes, I am blonde.

  18. imageek says:

    Fell while climbing on the monkey bars when i was in kindergarten and hit my head on one of the lower bars. Had to have 10 stitches inside and 15 on the outside. Still have a major huge scar above my left eye

  19. Lienster says:

    A nasty paper cut.

  20. Mike says:

    Compound Tib/Fib fracture playing soccer.

  21. Frank says:

    Torn quad. Ouch.

  22. maxi says:

    cranial fracture

  23. MarkC says:

    bruised ego

  24. vandy1997 says:

    Broken thumb and leg and banged-up knees (and other major scratches and bruises) from a motorcycle accident!

  25. Scott says:

    Slipped and got a hernia

  26. Chris says:

    Fell off my bike, ripped open my wrist. Never went to a doctor and didn’t clean it very well. I still have a piece of rock in my wrist.

  27. Tony Bricko says:

    Nothing serious so far. I sliced a piece of my finger open but the skin flap healed up pretty nicely.

  28. Andrea says:

    in one night i got my toe, my hip, my left knee broken and a car tire ran over my foot smashing around 20 small bones there 🙁 well, after two months of recovery luckily everything was OK though my foot still sometimes reacts on weather changes 😛

  29. Amy L says:

    When I was a kid, fell head-first over my bike’s handlebars, I had a huge bump on my forehead and both of my eyes were swollen almost shut.

  30. Bor says:

    I was born squint-eyed, had 3 operations.

  31. Steve says:

    sprained ankle

  32. Neuralgia says:

    Had a drunken fall that led to a broken nose. That would be the worst.

  33. darren says:

    sliced off a chunk of my thumb from a closing window

  34. Michael says:

    I went over the handlebars on my roadbike and shredded my right elbow, knee and hip. Honestly the worst part was not the scabs drying and trying to break when I moved, but how mad my wife was that I had had an accident.

  35. alex says:

    i heard my back riding my vespa home with 2 pots of flower from the florist… gosh, all the bumps on the road!!!

  36. Matty says:

    Hip planted into the roadside after falling from a bike. Down to the bone. Boy that hurt.

  37. klex says:

    ^†˚å`… (203)
    ! ! !

  38. Unclecal says:

    spleen rotation.

  39. George says:

    Fell 15 feet from a ladder to a concrete floor.

  40. Manny says:

    5 stitches on my left eylid

  41. Shazy says:

    was accidentally punched in the eye.. specs broke in half.. metal piece scratch my right eye and the flesh of the eye lids split into 3.. sorta in a “y” shape.. half of the plastic nose piece from the specs was lodged in the eye.. underwent 30 “under the skin” stitches.. thank God, i can still see..

  42. I twist my kneecap and can’t walk without a limp for 3 months

  43. Teo Kai Lynn says:

    My hair was on fire during a party suffer burns to my head

  44. Larry Busch says:

    I didn’t do this, but my best friend in high school did. He was a pole vaulter, and was competing in a school track meet. One of the things you’re not supposed to do when pole vaulting is hold onto the pole if you stall out on the ascent.

    My friend stalled out, so he’s hanging in the air momentarily with the pole bent in a “U” shape. The pole snaps back at him and smashes squarely into his balls. He said it was the most intense pain he had ever experienced.

    His teammates carried him, still curled up in a fetal position, to the bus and laid him on the floor. He didn’t walk straight for 3 weeks.

  45. Stuart says:

    HAHA. I was 16 and drunk with my friends on a boat at Siver Glen springs when I decided to do a dive off of the boat in to the shallow water below. Well needless to say , my head hit the dirt and ‘snap’ there went the 5th vertebrae in my neck. I didn’t feel it then(too drunk) but after a few hours and back at home watching the ball game is when the pain started kickin’ in. Wen’t to get up out of the chair for half time and realized that I could barely move a muscle in my body. Fortunately, it ended up healing ok. Absolutely, a lesson learned there.

  46. Loufute says:

    Younger i’ve broken my leg while my class and I were in fields… It was very awfull, and we were far away from all kind of hospital, so i had to walk with my broken leg -___-;

  47. herbivoor says:

    Broken my knee.
    I fell on my face and there were little rocks in my eye my face was ripped open.

  48. Jeffrey Penner says:

    I crashed my 10 speed and smashed my junk into the gear shifters

  49. Amanda K says:

    Was at Basketball practice and sprained an ankle, while i was limping out to the car i stepped into a deep muddy puddle, fell and tore my Achillies. I still had to limp out to the car which wasn’t there to pick me up yet, and it was an open day at school so i was covered in mud an looking pretty pissed and upset while all the parents walked past. Exactly one month after and my first game back i fell on the same ankle and redid it, it then took another 12 weeks to heal. Otherwise *touch wood* nothing to serious.

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