“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 27 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 27

On the Twenty-Seventh Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) Your very own copy of Pixelmator! – The image editor for the rest of us!

Actually, THIS time around we’re giving away TWO copies! So now you have twice as many chances to lose, er… win!


Sure, Photoshop is nice, but it costs more than 4 years at most art schools. Pixelmator is the hot new graphics app that is hip with the kids, and now you too can be hip! (Yes, Pixelmator is all it will take to make you hip).

What makes it so cool? Well, first, it’s the only image editor built exclusively for Mac OS X, and it shows. Pixelmator harnesses the full power of Mac OS X, taking advantage not only of Core Image, Open GL and Automator, but also by supporting, ColorSync, Spotlight and many other technologies, such as one-click access to your iPhoto Library, Quick Look, Tablet support, iSight import. With over 130 filters, advanced painting, color correction, and photo retouching tools – not to mention the ability to open and save in virtually any graphic format known to man – Pixelmator is the bees knees. (And of course, what graphics app would be complete without Layers?)

Plus to top it off, they sprinkled a generous dose of “eye candy” over the whole thing, which is makes it fun to use too! (Click here to check out all the features or download a demo).

To enter: Since this time around we’re giving out a license to a DUO of lucky readers, leave us a comment telling us who was/is the best “duo” of all time? ( Example: Was it Abbott & Costello? Batman & Robin? Itchy & Scratchy? Xena & Gabriel? Who?) Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

309 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 27”
  1. Seth says:

    No contest,

    Fred Astair & Ginger Rogers

  2. Bruce Y says:

    David Hasselhoff and KITT, of course…

  3. velvet elvis says:

    the blues brothers, ofcourse

  4. alex says:

    Owen Wilson and jackie Chan

  5. MartinM says:

    Second vote for: Dempsey and Makepeace. American cop teams up with posh english police woman. Classic 80’s UK TV drama. 😉

  6. LouRob says:

    Cake & ice cream

  7. Alex says:

    Babs and Buster Bunny, who have no relation. 😛

  8. Brian says:

    Chris Farley and David Spade

  9. Eugene Tamura says:

    Shaq and Kobe

  10. BigBubba says:

    Gin and Tonic

  11. WFT says:

    obviously jobs and woz!

  12. Teej says:

    Penn & Teller

  13. Georg says:

    Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill!

  14. awhatnot says:

    yeah Lennon McCartney

  15. Ned says:

    Sarah Palin and John McCain 🙂

  16. vandy1997 says:

    Batman & Robin !!

  17. adam says:

    hall & oates

  18. tom says:

    Richard and Mimi

  19. mpeterke says:

    Dr. House and Wilson

  20. Dave says:

    Bush & Cheney! Oh, you said best, not worst…

  21. Vidiot says:

    Tweedledum & Tweedledee

  22. mike says:

    R2D2 & C3PO, but not from the prequels. original trilogy, baby!

  23. Jeremy says:

    I have to go with: Michael Jordan & Scottie Pippen

  24. darrell says:

    Brad & Angelina

  25. Bonnie & Clyde 🙂

  26. Gabe says:

    Peanut Butter and Jelly,

  27. Chardish says:

    Rodrigo y Gabriela.

    Delicious Latin/heavy metal folk music.

  28. Greg Sutton says:

    matter and anti-matter

  29. J. Adams says:

    Jobs and Woz of course

  30. Manuel says:

    Ike and Tina

  31. claymonke0 says:

    kenen and kel

  32. galenthon says:

    Captain and Tennille

  33. Walter says:

    The 2 Steves, of course.

  34. alison says:

    how about jack skellington and zero!

  35. Bobby says:

    Maverick and Goose

  36. Paul says:

    Fry and Laurie

  37. mangochutney says:

    Wil.E.Coyote and the Road Runner

  38. Richard Turner says:

    Paul and Silas

  39. FRANK says:

    Smith & Wesson

  40. Jwestern says:

    yogi and boo boo bear

  41. Matthew Smith says:

    Mork & Mindy

  42. bas.o says:

    bert and ernie ftw!

  43. Mark says:

    Toe Jam & Earl. I’m not sure what that game was about, but it was unforgettable.

  44. David Syzdek says:

    John Elway and Rod Smith

  45. Lee Sook Fong says:


  46. James says:

    Rum and Coke

  47. adam says:

    Simon & Garfunkel

  48. sinenomine says:

    Peanut butter and ladies.

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