“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 27
On the Twenty-Seventh Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) Your very own copy of Pixelmator! – The image editor for the rest of us!
Actually, THIS time around we’re giving away TWO copies! So now you have twice as many chances to lose, er… win!

Sure, Photoshop is nice, but it costs more than 4 years at most art schools. Pixelmator is the hot new graphics app that is hip with the kids, and now you too can be hip! (Yes, Pixelmator is all it will take to make you hip).
What makes it so cool? Well, first, it’s the only image editor built exclusively for Mac OS X, and it shows. Pixelmator harnesses the full power of Mac OS X, taking advantage not only of Core Image, Open GL and Automator, but also by supporting, ColorSync, Spotlight and many other technologies, such as one-click access to your iPhoto Library, Quick Look, Tablet support, iSight import. With over 130 filters, advanced painting, color correction, and photo retouching tools – not to mention the ability to open and save in virtually any graphic format known to man – Pixelmator is the bees knees. (And of course, what graphics app would be complete without Layers?)
Plus to top it off, they sprinkled a generous dose of “eye candy” over the whole thing, which is makes it fun to use too! (Click here to check out all the features or download a demo).
To enter: Since this time around we’re giving out a license to a DUO of lucky readers, leave us a comment telling us who was/is the best “duo” of all time? ( Example: Was it Abbott & Costello? Batman & Robin? Itchy & Scratchy? Xena & Gabriel? Who?) Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
Kamen & Clapton.
Jordan and Pippen
The Doctor and Rose.
Bob and Doug McKenzie – Strange Brew
Sherlock Holmes and Watson
Bill and Hillary
chocolate & milk
Moe and Larry
The Smothers Brothers!
Ricky and Lucy Ricardo
Penn & Teller
Calvin and Hobbes
Ernst and Bobby, very famous for the kids in Holland
The Winchester brothers Sam & Dean from Supernatural, they sure know how to kick some ass to ghost, demons and creepy creatures of the like
Pork and Beans
Wile E. Coyote & the Road Runner gets my vote.
The Joker and Harlequin.
Steve jobbs and Apple is the best duo ever
Harold and Kumar duh
Bryant and Gasol
Penn & Teller
Jobs and Woz?
Laurel & Hardy
3 stooges
The Punisher and Microchip. See, every antihero DOES need a hacker buddy.
D’Yquem and Romanée-Conti
The Roadrunner & Wile E. Coyote!
Bogey and Bacall
Stewey and Brian
Batman and Robin!
Sacco and Vanzett
The greatest duo was probably Spock and Kirk. Ohhhh but that’s a sad statement about my life.
Laverne and Shirley
Dolly Parton.
Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin
David Bowie & Jennifer Connely
Conan O’Brien and Andy Richter
Laurel & Hardy.
Calvin and Hobbes…
cagney and lacey
Ren and Stimpy
Picard and Riker
Hall and Oates
Ren & Stimpy
It was said before, but Cheech and Chong.
chapi & chapo
Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash.
– OR… Dale Earnhardt Sr and Richard Childress.
Bart and Homer Simpson
itunes and ipod, its what the windows itunes instalation used to say XD
Jobs and Woz, actually