“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 30
[Thank you, we have our winners. This contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein readers Ed and Frank!]
On the Thirtieth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) a Pogo Stylus from Ten One Design!
Actually, THIS time around we’ve got TWO of these to give away to our faithful readers! So now you have twice as many chances to lose, er… win!
Whether you are writing, drawing, or just want to wear gloves while using your iPhone in the cold, the Pogo Stylus is the fun, ergonomic and easy to use way to interact with your iPhone or iPod touch. It’s also great for women with freakishly long nails, and neat freaks who wish to keep their iPhones finger-print free. The sleek design of the Pogo Stylus features an ultra-light aluminum body with an anodized finish and laser graphics. The soft tip glides easily over the surface of the display, making it fun and easy to sketch, draw characters, or just slide to unlock. Sized for accuracy, it does away with the awkward typos and misfires common to fingertip-only use.
To enter: Since the Pogo not only reminds me of Pogo Sticks, but also that horrible Walt Kelly newspaper comic “Pogo“, leave us a comment telling us what is the worst newspaper comic strip series ever. Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to US and Canadian readers only. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
I hope that this is at least the 50th post claiming that Family Circus is the worst comic ever… because it is.
Prince Valiant
Is Marmaduke still around? I’m a dog lover, great and small ones, but I’ve never, ever laughed at a Marmaduke strip. Even Family Circus has made me laugh, though mostly because it made me think of parodies of Family Circus comics that have made me laugh.
I vote Marmaduke.
Followed by Family Circus, and probably Cathy.
Brenda Star X.x!
Prickly City geez I can’t stand it and that was before it became awkward and outdated with Obama jokes.
Family Circus
Zippy the Pinhead I just pulled one out of the hat since I dislike 5 of them equally
Seriously, Cathy.
I considered any statement by George W. Bush to be comical. Unfortunately, his strip ran for 2 terms.
get fuzzy
Life in Hell, the Matt Groening strip
Family Circus… or that one about King Arthur
stupid one in the metro nomi or wtf it’s called
Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch
brenda star
Mallard. Makes my skin crawl.
the one with two girls and they always talk about their rag or how men are
Possibly Dilbert.
Does Big Fat Head Limbaugh qualify? There’s no way he’s not a comic strip character.