“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 32 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 32

[Thank you, we have a winner. This contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Jerret!]

On the Thirty-Second Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) a Super Geek Bundle from NewerTech!

NewerTech UniversalDriveAdapter.jpg

First up we have The NewerTech USB 2.0 Universal Drive Adapter. It’s a complete solution that allows any 2.5″, 3.5″, or 5.25″ hard drive or optical drive* with any standard IDE/ATA/ATAPI 40 pin or SATA interface to be connected via USB to any USB equipped computer for file transfer, backing-up and storing file archives, and accessing data on stored backup drives with Plug & Play ease.

Newtech Protecta Drive

Next up, we have a set of NewerTech Protecta drive cases – a 2.5-inch and a 3.5-inch model. NewerTech’s ProtectaDrive lets you use bare, swapped out hard drives as an external storage solution. By encapsulating your drive with this protective sleeve, you can protect it from shock, short circuits, and static electricity. ProtectaDrive is also the ideal companion to NewerTech’s USB Universal Drive adapter for a complete data transfer/access solution.

NewerTech 11 piece toolkit

And finally, rounding out the trifecta of geekdom is something that no Apple fan (or parent, for that matter) should be without – an 11 piece portable toolkit. Everything you need to service/upgrade desktop and notebook computers as well as small consumer electronics devices like iPods. Comes complete with a zippered nylon carrying case housing a padded interior to keep all eleven tools organized and ready to use at a moments notice.

To enter: Since once you have these three items you will obviously be able to take over the world, leave us a comment telling us who is the most bad-ass villain in movie history? Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

404 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 32”
  1. The Knights Who Say Ni in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  2. Darren Kwong says:

    Darth Vader

  3. Hermann says:


  4. Mark O says:

    those bloody annoying critters…
    you know who they are….
    the gremlins!

    they’re like weeds in your lawn, all it needs is water and they’ll take over the world!


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