Well, that was fun - Macenstein

Well, that was fun

Yeah, I know it was starting to look like Macenstein‘s 12 Days After Christmas Spectacular would never end, but it looks like after a stellar 35-Day run, we’ve run out of free stuff to throw at you. But don’t worry, we’re always looking for new ways to buy your love and trick you into coming back each day and reading Macenstein, so we have a couple things lined up in the near future. And remember, there’s still time to enter the last 7 or so contests in the giveaway.

Even if you didn’t win anything, we hope you enjoyed the contest, and we’d like to thank all our sponsors again. Each day our bizarre entry questions helped us learn a little bit more about our readers – mainly that you guys loved Serenity.

So, congratulations to all who won, our heartfelt condolences to the losers, and those of you who won, but never replied to our e-mails, better check that spam box, because after 3 attempts we’re going to give the prizes to someone else. (To check and see if you won something, you can check each “closed” contest here and see if your name is mentioned).

– The Doc

11 Responses to “Well, that was fun”
  1. Richard Neal says:

    Thanks again for the cases, Doc! I’m switching which one I use each day, and seeing if anyone notices.

  2. odin says:

    Awesome contest.

  3. Phelim says:

    That was an amazing stretch- 35 days! Pretty annoyed that I didn’t win a single thing though, despite entering almost every one!

  4. Chris says:

    If only this could have gone on forever, hopefully I can win one of the last 7!

  5. Kuzya says:

    yep , was nice ….
    even thought , i didn’t won…
    keep on going , I keep reading 🙂
    and thank you on name of all winners

  6. JorgeLuisBorges says:

    You run the best contests in the Mac world, Doc.

    You know, if you have unclaimed prizes left over you could always send one to, say, someone who won that blue-screen caption contest you had awhile back who couldn’t claim the prize because they were in Canada…

    Just saying, is all.

    Keep up the good work!

  7. kelly says:

    Those were great contests. It was fun reading the comments.


    Is there a loser’s bracket?


  8. iShervin says:

    😀 it was cool, 35 chances and I didn’t win!!!
    well, we will wait till next year…

  9. Ronny says:

    Nooooooooooo! i wanted the Boba Fett thumb drive!

  10. Imagine Engine says:

    Can you let us know who actually won? We don’t need to know their real name but at least the username they go by in their posts. Thanks for the contest as it was not only fun but also allowed me to see products I wouldn’t of known about until reading about them here. Hope you’ll run a similar contest again in the near future.

  11. MacSheikh says:

    It was all rigged! Rigged, i say! I’ll make sure everyone hears about this!

    No, i did not win anything. 🙁

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