What, too soon? - Macenstein

What, too soon?

OK, now that we’re all supposed to not worry about Steve’s health, is it OK to laugh at this? Cause I did.

xkcd Steve Jobs

Not so much at the comic itself, but I was just imagining Phil Schiller on stage with an series of Keynote slides actually presenting The World’s Thinnest CEO. With things like “The thinnest CEO out there is now is Larry Ellison, of Oracle, weighing in at 175 pounds. But we think we’ve beaten that.”
[via xkcd]

7 Responses to “What, too soon?”
  1. Colin says:

    “This truly is a revolutionary step forward in CEO design. We know you’re going to love him.”

  2. Vas the Man says:

    I know you ripped it from XKCD, but you really should give credit where credit is due, and give a link. Shame on you! It isn’t the first time you’ve done this either.

  3. Actually, Vas, I feel I am usually very good about linking, and if you click the pic it will take you there. But you’re right, I did forget to add the text link under it. May I be cursed a thousand years.

    -The Doc

  4. alex says:

    I wouldn’t wanna se the unibody enclousure, though.. or the battery slot… or all the ports.


    And one last thing: I am confident they chose Schiller to give the keynote only because he’s all…. fatty!
    If they put Tim Cook on stage people would start wondering what the hell people at Apple are eating.. (or not eating in this case)

  5. Logan says:

    I LOL’ed hardcore at this.

    Gotta love xkcd.

  6. Lucky says:

    I LOLed at “May I be cursed a thousand years.”

  7. jonro says:

    That is really funny. Can he fit in an envelope?

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