Win 1 of 4 free copies of “The Creeps!” for the iPhone/iPod touch - Macenstein

Win 1 of 4 free copies of “The Creeps!” for the iPhone/iPod touch

Last month we profiled the adorably spooky tower defense game The Creeps! ($1.99) as an iPhone game you should be playing, and while we assume you all immediately rushed out an purchased the game on our recommendation, odds are at least 4 of you meant to, but then forgot. Well, luckily for you, The Creeps! got a major (free) update last night, and to celebrate, Super Squawk Software was nice enough to give us 4 free games codes to give out to some of our faithful readers!

The Creeps for iPhone and iPod touch

So what’s new in version 1.1.0? Well, the update sports more levels, 2 unique bosses, increased difficulty, and a bunch of tweaks and bug fixes, but the big news is they’ve added sound to the game, which was pretty much the only thing lacking in our opinion (although, you can never have too many levels).

The Creeps for iPhone and iPod touch

The Creeps for iPhone and iPod touch

So, you want a copy? Well, we have 4 games codes to give away (these will only work in the US iTunes store, sorry). To enter, simply leave us a comment telling us what you think is the scariest sound in the world. You have until tomorrow, Saturday at midnight (the witching hour) to enter. Thanks, and good luck!

87 Responses to “Win 1 of 4 free copies of “The Creeps!” for the iPhone/iPod touch”
  1. MLB says:

    Silence would have to be the scariest sound. Especially here in NYC.

  2. flunkycarter says:

    Scariest sound: My girlfriends ringtone on my iPhone.

  3. Matt Davis says:

    a viscous leopard growling before it attacks me

  4. Craig says:

    Complete silence in the dark. If you aren’t used to the silence, you tend to start making up sounds, which can be unnerving.

  5. Chris says:

    Wood creaking in the middle of the night. Like a lot of people said.

  6. Telp says:

    The creeking of an old house/

  7. Manuel Contreras says:

    A faint whisper in your ear

  8. Mihai Neacsu says:

    Musical movies

  9. leishan says:

    My mother-in-law

  10. toblo says:

    creaky floor

  11. John says:

    small child saying something creepy

  12. Xero says:

    your parents having sex

  13. Dani says:

    fast footsteps behind you in the dark

  14. Shawn says:

    howling wind

  15. James says:

    “I, Barack Obama, do solemnly swear to uphold the laws of the office of the President of the United States”

  16. Marlon says:

    The sound of nails on a chalkboard… That scare me :/…

  17. velvet elvis says:

    fingernails on a chalkboard

  18. Greg Sutton says:

    Screeching brakes from behind you

  19. chris says:

    My alarm clock… eek!

  20. Daniel Deutsch says:

    My parents after failing a test 🙂

  21. roy says:

    dial up modem sound makes me wanna kill

  22. jimmyg says:

    Laughter coming from another room when you’re home alone

  23. Matty says:

    The screaming sound in “I Am Legend”

  24. scarlco says:

    Silence. Absolute silence.

  25. Tim says:

    my wife saying I need to talk to you

  26. Bitmatt says:

    The Brown Noise.

  27. bas.o says:

    agonal breathing, shows how life is precious…

  28. Darrin D says:

    My daughter yelling out DADDY or MOMMY at the top of her lungs.

  29. the roar of a “snow leopard” 😛

  30. Miles says:

    The Windows startup sound.

  31. Hanan Marton says:

    I think that is a certain meow my cat makes when she starts flipping out.
    be careful of the claws

  32. demoabi says:

    beep, beep, beep – beeeeep, beeeeep, beeeeep – beep, beep, beep
    Coming from my macbook

  33. Gilberto says:

    The “click-click” sound when your car fails to start.

  34. gsxrboy says:

    Macenstein *not* shouting out it’s happy mago goodness is a horrifying sound !

  35. mpeterke says:

    The sound of thunder. The electricity can go away and then there is no internet either…

  36. artman1033 says:

    your firstborn child crying!

  37. Donna K says:

    A coffin opening.

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