Yo-Yo Ma forgets the iPhone has no zoom - Macenstein

Yo-Yo Ma forgets the iPhone has no zoom

Photographer David Bergman put together an amazing zoomable 2GB panorama of Obama’s inauguration ceremony that is really worth checking out. Of special note, you can see quite clearly that Yo-Yo Ma, still rocking the 1st gen iPhone, decided to use it to try to take some pictures of the event, and the back of Obama’s head.

yo-yo ma

yo-yo ma

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader JimmySchaps for the links!

[via Cult Of Mac]

6 Responses to “Yo-Yo Ma forgets the iPhone has no zoom”
  1. iShervin says:

    iPhones are every where…

    4 to 1 for black berry
    6 to 1 for Google phone

    so no one can beat iPhone, not even the ugly Palm Pre…

  2. bc says:

    I’d seen this amazing photo on David Bergman’s site and had been searching for Yo-Yo Ma after David mentioned it in his writeup…

    thank you, thank you, Doc!!

    now I can stop doing the “Where’s Waldo” thing and enjoy the rest of the photo 🙂

  3. Preshit says:

    Or maybe he’s just using the UStream app to watch Obama take the oath?

  4. Tice says:

    That’s just a great detail of an amazing photo. And a funny one too. Thanks, I couldn’t find him either until you pointed him out. : )

  5. 2sb says:

    To Obama’s left look for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas taking a nap. He’s probably dreaming about the next Republican President. 😉

  6. Jeero says:

    Who is “Oama”? Do you mean Obama?

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