Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Brooke Hogan - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Brooke Hogan

I actually spotted Nick Hogan with an iPhone the other day, but I think we’d all agree that that hardly qualifies as news. His sister Brooke, on the other hand….

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Matt for the tip!

[via Celebslam]

4 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Brooke Hogan”
  1. John says:

    I worry that one day she’ll end up looking like her mom. Or her dad.

  2. odin says:

    I wouldn’t mind her ripping her top off like her dad though.

  3. iShervin says:

    i donno when that photo is been taken but she need an upgrade 😛

  4. Jonro says:

    Maybe you need a subcategory called “Trashy Mac Chicks.”

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