Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisited: Jessica Biel
Can you confirm iPhone ownership simply from a set of earbuds? Well, I think so, especially if it is confirmed Celebrity Mac Chick Jessica Biel.

You may remember Jessica was spotted leaving an Apple store with a new MacBook a couple months back (you don’t get much more confirmation than that). So that, combined with the fact that I see the iPhone’s telltale white and gray ear buds, inline microphone, and a suspiciously iPhone-shaped bulge in her pocket, all point to Jessica using an iPhone. In fact, I didn’t even need to use my X-ray vision to see through her sweatshirt.
For the record, it’s a black one, 16 GB model. (That’s right, I have X-ray vision capable of looking through female celebrities’ clothing and I use it solely for spotting Apple gear. THAT’S how big a nerd I am).
[via Drunken Stepfather]
lol X-ray
well, there is a possibility that it wont be an iPhone! I’ll explain:
Since 2 weeks ago apple stopped making normal headphones! so all the headphone in Apple Store has Mic attached! which looks exactly same as the iPhone / iPhone 3G headset which comes in the box!
so it depends when she got her headphone! if she got it last 2 weeks it may not be an iPhone!
but this picture looks like an iPhone 16GB exactly as Doc said…
On a non-apple topic… what kind of car is that? That piece that protrudes out of the “hatch” really makes me curious as to the usefulness of it. I’d guess it’s a BMW from the spoke pattern on the rim… anybody have an answer!
I love how there’s a guy video taping her behind her lol
Quite a [via] on this one
I think its a Audi TT: http://www.car-vs-car.de/images/resized/Audi-TT-uV7x.jpg
Kenton: Audi TT
@Kenton: For the record, it’s an Audi TT, newest Version. You can see it on the backlights and the “Spoiler” (german word, don’t know the english) which comes out I guess normally at 120 km/h.
@ Kenton
@ Kenton again
1. that’s the spoiler of Audi TT, the main reason for that is to keep the car under control around the bend or other words it gives you more grip!
2. the key looks like an Audi TT key more than a BMW, as the audis has fold in keys and BMW has switch!
her holding the iphone
She’s so hot that I’m surprised that iphone doesn’t burst in flames