Hmmm… Might be time to knock €24,016.13 off that thing
Remember last year when that “beautiful” €26,000, gold and crystal-covered MacBook Air by Bling My Thing made its ultra-classy debut? Well, guess what still hasn’t sold…

Faithful Macenstein reader Fabrizio writes:
“Hi Doc,
I live in Berlin (Germany) and last week as i went to buy something in a (the biggest Store in europe like Harods and Lafayette) i saw it! A Macbook Air for 26.000-€!!! With swarovsky kristall on the topcase… insane! Sorry for the bad quality, i took the pics with my iPhone…
Greetz from Berlin”

Hey Fabrizio, don’t knock the iPhone’s camera! Everyone knows it is the best camera ever made, and Apple did not purposely hobble it just to give people an incentive to buy the next iPhone refresh!
Actually, oddly enough I believe that thing debuted at €20,000, so I’m not sure what it is that caused the price increase. Lord knows it wasn’t demand…
Time for a Fire Sale?
As we approach an inevitable MacBook Air refresh, and with both Liberace and Elvis still believed to be dead, it seems like now might be a good time to drop the price on that bad boy to something a little more reasonable so Michael Jackson can afford it. Sure, we all love gaudy technology, but no one wants out-dated gaudy echnology.
How do you know that this was the same unit? Perhaps these have been moving like hotcakes and the price increase reflects stupendous (stupid?) demand . . . .
looks nice, but it MacBook Air! suppose to be light! that looks HEAVY!!!