Might be time for a costume re-design
I’ve always been more of a fan of Superheroes who wore masks, like Spider-Man and Batman, over those who used the “comb my hair the other way” trick to protect their secret identity – it just makes more sense. Now granted, Superman was created in the 30’s, so the idea computers, let alone facial recognition, might have been a bit hard for its creators to imagine, but it looks like technology may have finally caught up with the Man of Steel.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Tinker for the tip!
[Via Joy of Tech]
Thats pretty damn good…
Any one actually no how good it works
I tested it… it sure ain’t perfect but it works surprisingly well…
I saw this the other day and thought it was pretty good. My nerdy friend that likes superman and batman as if he was 3 and not 30 would probably enjoy it as well 🙂
its creepy..
it finds faces in pics that I didnt notice, reflections etc..
it does pick up my cat ‘Nutmeg’ quite well :).
and yes, his breath smells like cat food.
One happy day for Lex Luthor right?
roy on Wed, 18th Feb 2009 3:40 pm
“Any one actually no how good it works”
Better than your spelling and grammar checker.
“Does anyone actually know how well it works?”
Spelling counts on Thu, 19th Feb 2009 8:48 am
“Better than your spelling and grammar checker.”
Looks like we have a grammer Nahtzi here.
Godwin must be turning in his grave.